Acció Solidaria i Logística
Project title: It improves of the socioeconomic situation of the women and youngsters of the Community of Medina Boudialabou (Senegal)
Project summary: Project with goal to increase the participation of the woman in the socioeconomic life of the community of Boudialabou, the project pursues the empowering of 85 women agrícultores and 20 youngsters of the community through the training and construction of wells and einas and agricultural insums
Area of action: Senegal
Financing: 6.814,36 euros
Year: 2019
Agermanament Sense Fronteres
Project title: Empowerment of women in Cameroon, strengthening rural co-operatives
Project summary: The Performance is the continuation of the one developed at the last years and that it is set in the Program of support to the women PAEF (acronym in French of Programme d'Activites Econoiques you give Femmes). The general goal of the project is to achieve that the woman is an actor in the development of the company rural in conditions of equality with the men
Area of action: Cameroon
Financing: 6.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Agrupació Esportiva Santa Eulàlia
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 41.060,00 €
Year: 2019
Asociación Mujeres Burkina
Project summary: The association Delinwende with the support of the Asociació Mujeres Burkina struggles for the empoderament of the woman and the attention in the more deprived ones. In the last years formations have been initiated into basic education, workshops of seam, barked, the attention to the children and girls in the centers Neb la Boumbou in Boassa. Campaigns of audiometry and control have been carried out de pes/short for the control of the malnutrition
Area of action: Burkina Fasso
Financing: 5.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Associació Catalana d'Enginyeria Sense Fronteres (ESF)
Project title: Strengthening of the GRSU in the city of Maputo through citizen participation and communication to improve the quality of the community environment by integrating the gender perspective
Project summary: The project focuses on the GRSU sector with a specific focus on the management and recycling of organic waste from the Ka-Maxakeni District, Maputo. The current project is the continuation of the work initiated in the previous pilot project, where the foundations are established for the creation of a community composting plant
Area of action:
Financing: 13.317,84 €
Year: 2019
Associació Catalana de Fibrosi Quística
Project title: All the world I have rights, them also
Project summary: Through this project it is intended to assure the improvement of the control of the illness and therefore the quality of life of the children and girls affected for Cystic Fibrosis in Nicaragua through the purchase of medical equipment, oximetres of pulse and portable aspirators to strengthen the processes of medical attention of the patients with Cystic Fibrosis that they are entered in the service of Pneumologia de L'Hospital
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 5.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Associació Club d'esplai La Florida
Project title: A project of action and sensitization in favor of the Human Rights of the children of the neighborhood of La Florida - Les Plans
Project summary: The recreational center works since more than 30 years ago in an approach to guarantee the acces to the education and to the leisure of quality, anb an educational look and socioedicativa, of an education in democratic values, the solidarity, cooperation and the compromis of improving to the company
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 3.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Associació de Cooperació Fallou ONGD
Project title: Restoration and expansion project of the infrastructure of the Dar Salam Village school
Project summary: The primary school in the town of Dar Salam has been part of the brotherhood program between Senegalese and Catalan schools since 2015; In this phase, a kitchen and kitchen, teacher's room, classroom-library, a new system of solar panels and school playgrounds will be implemented with elements why students have different spaces to play
Area of action:
Financing: 9.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Associació L'Hospitalet amb el Sáhara
Project title: Health improvement in Special Education Centers and Sensory Disability Centers of Sahrauís refugee camps in Tindouf
Project summary: The project consists of promoting and improving health in the Special Education Centers and in the Sensory Disability Centers of the Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf. The project is carried out through regular contributions, so that those responsible for the field project buy and distribute breakfast food to the 5 special education centers and the 4 sensory disability centers of the different wilayes
Area of action: Algeria - Sahara
Financing: 7.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Associació L'Hospitalet amb el Sàhara
Project title: Holidays in peace for Saharawi children - Summer 2019
Project summary: In this project, L'Hospitalet families will welcome Sanrahau girls and boys during the months of July and August, this child intends to give them the chance to live a different reality from the one they have lived in the refugee camps in Tinduf since 1975. They will take advantage of the stay to conduct visits and medical checkups
Financing: 22.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Associació Tres Quarts per Cinc Quarts
Project summary: The association Tres Quarts per Cinc Quarts , from 1994, different activities in the city of L' Hospitalet. Acts open to all the citizenship, debates and lectures. All the activities of the entity are set in a general goal: fostering that the citizens and the citizens have critical opinion. Workshops are carried out in the educational centers of the city, in the ESO as well as in the high school, as well as courses of university extension
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 9.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Catratxhos, associació de cooperació amb Hondures
Project title: Strengthening of the center of juvenile training and that gives support to the formality of the four placed schools in the marginal cologne of the New Asset in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Project summary: I project with the goal to strengthen the second center of juvenile training of ACOES, placed in the marginal cologne of the New Asset in Tegucigalpa, favoring in this way the participation of youngsters university students, former students of four schools that ACOES has developed in this same cologne and voltants
Area of action: Honduras
Financing: 6.000,00 euros
Year: 2019
Comissió de Cultura de Can Serra
Project summary: The Foundation of the CEB's of Masaya accommodates several projects from 1994 and they have lately focused mainly on two: The new premises of Fratresm center of persons with disability and the child canteens "Gaspar Garcia Laviana" and "Oscar Ataulfo Romero"
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 5.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Comissió de Festes "La Gresca" Collblanc - La Terrasa
Project summary: XXV edition of the Party of the Diversity of L' Hospitalet, will be celebrated on the 16th June of 2019 in the Park of the Marchioness; we plan on the collaboration of more than 60 ONG, collectives of immigrants and of solidarity and environmental entities
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 41.060,00 €
Year: 2019
Fòrum L'Hospitalet - Espai Intereligiós
Project title: Mapping and awareness of cultural and religious diversity in the city
Project summary: It is intended to show the sociological reality of the city from the cultural and religious diversity transformed in these last years due to the migratory event. A digital mapping of all the religious and spiritual entities of the city will be prepared with the basic data of each
Financing: 5.097,00 €
Year: 2019
Project title: How do we live? Living together: for a school and a sustainable world and with culture of peace 2nd Phase
Project summary: Directed program mainly to the students and teaching staff, as well as the families of the educational centers. The goal is to form an active citizenship and it criticizes with the discriminatory attitudes towards the persons and the breaches in the middle; capable of identifying these breaches, they integrate the perspective of EGBDH and that generates proposals of transformation into the educational centers
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 20.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Fundació Internacional Olof Palme
Project title: Educate on Children's Rights: Childhood as a commitment to the future in Equatorial Guinea
Project summary: The project presented by the Fundació Internacional Olof Palme for 2019 gives continuity to the projects developed by the Foundation with the support of the City of L'Hospitalet to Equatorial Guinea for fifteen years. Based on the experience obtained and in accordance with the express request of the beneficiaries, the project deepens the work on the rights of children and adolescents
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Financing: 9.015,60 €
Year: 2019
Fundació Privada Daniel Shah & Núria Toneu
Project title: Drinking water for Tripurangar, India. Construction Project 12 deep water wells, for the supply of drinking water to 540 people in the rural town of Tripuranagar, in the state of West Bengal, India
Project summary: The project involves the construction of 10 manual pump drinking water wells for the supply of 540 people from the town of Tripurangar, India. Project developed in the rural world, consists of the construction of drinking water wells in strategic areas in order to cover as many inhabitants as possible
Area of action: India
Financing: 2.910,00 €
Year: 2019
Fundació Privada Okume AZ
Project summary: During the last journeys, the members of the Foundation Okume AZ have met the authorities of Bata, and have been able to certify the good formality and reputation that has the school in the zone, giving the increase of number of pupils as a result. So it is considered convenient to continue with the enlargement of the spaces of the school to give academic itinerary to the youngsters of the zone
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Financing: 21.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Fundació Privada Ulls del Món
Project title: Yeux du Mali 2019. Attention ophtalmologique dans la région de Mopti
Project summary: Le projet entend contribuer à l'amélioration de la santé oculaire de la population de la région de Mopti, en République du Mali. Ce sont les axes principaux du projet: attention ophtalmologique et optique à travers les diagnostics, interventions quiruúrgiques, traitement et suivi rendu opératoire de la population aux ressources économiques limitées
Area of action: République du Mali
Financing: 12.000,00 euros
Year: 2019
Project summary: Providing the town of L' Hospitalet, accompaniment in its social, academic and work inclusion, a worthy house to three sheltered persons. Likewise him desenvolupara a task sensibilitzadora in towards the citizenship through the itinerància of a photographic exhibition
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 29.520,00 €
Year: 2019
Grup de dones de Can Serra
Project summary: Integral promotion of the woman, from to promote the literacy like the organization of workshops which it can be productive for the women that they make them. In the face of the growth of maltreatment to the women, also to work with the police of the city to be able to accommodate to these women and to be able to solve problems that they have towards the sons, often, fruit of the rapes
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 5.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Joves per la Igualtat i la Solidaritat
Project title: EngLHoba't: Cooperative Film Workshops
Project summary: Educational proposal that encourages the reflection of young people about what it means to cooperate. It is done through audiovisual, and based on a non-ethnocentric vision of what is the cultural diversity that allows us to value Human Rights, the culture of peace, coexistence and social cohesion as real milestones and experiences
Financing: 5.880,00 €
Year: 2019
Vols Voluntariat Solidari
Project title: 1st part Equipment and extension classrooms of the Salesian secondary school in Iaoundé (Cameroon)
Project summary: The Salesian house of Mimboman in Yaoundé (Cameroon) that has its origins in 1994, is an educational cmplex whose mission is the integral development of young people, especially the poorest and disadvantaged. The Salesian presence has three areas of action; Educational and pastoral: A parish, a youth center and a professional school complex
Financing: 5.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Fundación Vicente Ferrer
Project title: Improvement of access and water quality for human consumption through the installation of 1 community management water treatment plant in Anantapur district, India
Project summary: Project aimed at enabling and favoring access to a basic right such as access to safe drinking water to the community of Mangalamadaka in the Bathalapali region in the Anantapur district in India through the commissioning of a water treatment plant and improving information, education and awareness about water and sanitation
Area of action: India
Financing: 10.000,00 €
Year: 2019
Kasamu Aku
Project title: Construction du Centre des femmes de Cabrousse. Phase 2
Project summary: Continuité d'une performance pour aider les femmes de Cabrousse. Les femmes de la région ont peu de possibilités d'accéder à des travaux rémunérés depuis que les hommes prennent les décisions; pour ce motif la construction d'un espace de relation pour empoderar l'as femmes et maximiser ses opportunités à travers l'élaboration de produits artisanaux
Financing: 8.000,00 euros
Year: 2019
Medicus Mundi Mediterrània
Project title: Support to the Formation and Maintenance of the Laboratory of Sahrauís Medicines - Camps Production of Tindouf (Algeria)
Project summary: This project intends to give continuity to the work of development pioneered in 1992 by Medicus Mundi in the camps of sahrauís refugees. About 150.000 Saharan ones they live in the Southwest of Algeria since the year 1975 in this shelter, in the proximity of the city of Tindouf, like conseqüèncuia of the invasion of the occidental Sàhra on the part of Morocco and Mauritania
Area of action: Algeria
Financing: 6.293,63 euros
Year: 2019
ONGD Cohesionart
Project title: African Music and Dance at the EMMCA
Project summary: There will be 15 workshops, with a presentation and explanation on the most relevant dances and instruments of West Africa, students will be introduced to the sense of social cohesion that these traditions have to maintain peace, cohesion, coexistence and inclusion social as a tool for living together
Financing: 5.027,80 €
Year: 2019
ONGD Cohesionart
Project title: Solidarity stationery of the Bissau Law School
Project summary: Creation of a solidarity paperwork in the law school of Bissau that reduces the cost borne by students in their studies. The direct economic benefit will be reinvested in the improvement of training, acquisition of study material, in the final enrollment of students with risk of abandonment due to economic reasons
Area of action:
Financing: 5.089,62 €
Year: 2019
Acció Solidària i Logística
Project title: The project improves socioeducativas of the children and girls with disability and disorders of learning of the towns of Potrerillos, Pebre and Villanueva (Honduras) of the conditions
Project summary: The project improves the socioeducativas conditions of the users and users of the Municipal Center Intercomunitario of Atención in Persons Disabled cone (CISM) through the reahbilitació and enlargement of the current facilities
Area of action: Honduras
Financing: 5.308,17 €
Year: 2018
Agermanament sense Fronteres
Project title: We keep on introducing Àfrica Subsahrauí the prospect of gender
Project summary: Project of continuity with the one executed in year 2017; In this new phase the prospect of gender through the formations across destined seminars is introduced several collectives of women of Burkina Faso in a more explicit way
Area of action: Burkina Fasso
Financing: 5.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Agrupació Esportiva Santa Eulàlia
Project title: XXVII Urban Mile of Santa Eulàlia and IX Would Consolidate, City of L' Hospitalet - "memorial David Sánchez and Óscar Vizcaíno"
Project summary: Sport event "La Milla Urbana". This year it is about the 26th edition. The foods and funds that are collected give up to the Bank of foods of the Red Cross of the city
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 6.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Associació Catalana d’Enginyeria sense Fronteres
Project title: Promotion and defense of the Human Rights in the district Ka-Maxaquene through community systems, the communication and the culture from the social change
Project summary: This project centering in the sector GRSU, with concrete approach in the formality of the recycling of organic waste of the District ka-Maxakeni, Maputo. At the same time has a component clearly based on Human Rights, making to arrive intruments in the population, considered inclusive and human like the basis of the development, in travès of actions of sensitization and donor senior importance to the communication through the community radio
Area of action: Cameroon
Financing: 12.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Associació Catalana de Solidaritat i Cooperació Internacional pel Desenvolupament ONGD AL KARIA
Project title: To back up professional in the youth of Tetuan-Xauen of the sector of the colaborativa architecture and the rehabilitation
Project summary: Project of theoretical and practical formation for youngsters of the populations of Xauen and Tetuan related professionally with the world of the architecture and the rehabilitation of the patrimony architectural in urban spaces. The project buys with the participation of students and teaching staff of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia to offer a plus of quality
Area of action: Morocco
Financing: 13.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Associació Catalana de Fibrosi Quística
Project title: All the world I have law, them also
Project summary: This project intends to assure the improvement of the control of the illness and therefore the quality of life of the children and girls affected of FQ in Nicaragua through the purchase of materials of repeat and reagents for the equipment for evidence of ions in sweat for the diagnosis of the illness
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Financing: 5.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Associació club d’Esplai La Florida
Project title: We know our rights. A project of action and sensitization in favor of the rights of the children of the neighborhood of La Florida- Las Planass
Project summary: Project that searches to advance in the process of social inclusion and social cohesion of the neighborhood, since the moment that we recognize ourselves, we pass ourselves, we share actions and I objectify majority from the denominator
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 3.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Associació L'Hospitalet amb el Sàhara
Project title: It improves of the sensory health in the centers of special education and to the centers of disabilities of the camps of refugees Sahrís de Tindouf
Project summary: The project consists to promoting and improving the health in the Centers of Special Education and in the centers of disabilities sensory of the saharauís camps of refugees in Tindouf
Area of action: Algeria
Financing: 7.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Associació L'Hospitalet amb el Sàhara
Project title: Holidays in peace for Sahrauís children - Summer 2018
Project summary: In this project, families of L'Hospitalet will accommodate girls and sanrahauís children during July and August, intends to give this children the possibility to live one to reality different of what they live in the camps of refugees of Tinduf from 1975. They will use the stay for carrying out visits and medical revisions
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 22.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Associació Tres Quarts per Cinc Quarts
Project title: Classe de drets humains de L'Hospitalet
Project summary: Ce projet comportera des activités telles que des débats, des conférences, des débats dans les lycées, des cours de vulgarisation universitaire, des projections, des expositions, entre autres activités qu’ils contribuent à sensibiliser aux citoyens de L'Hospitalet et à accroître son implication dans la réalisation des objectifs du Plan de coopération. Les activités veulent promouvoir les valeurs des droits de l'homme, de la culture de Pau et des objectifs du millénaire, en plus de renforcer le domaine de la solidarité et de l'inquiétude face aux défis mondiaux auxquels nous sommes confrontés
Financing: 9.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Comissió de Cultura de Can Serra
Project title: Improvements of the center of disabilities of Massaya and equipment in the child canteens (Nicaragua)
Project summary: The project that is shown is the continuation of the former year, new premises have been able to be achieved for disabled persons and now the center is backed up with the purchase of a van
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 4.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Comissió de festes "La Gresca" Collblanc - La Torrassa
Project title: XXIV Party of the Diversity of L' Hospitalet
Project summary: Celebration of the XXVI Party of the Diversity, this project starts from the initiative of the entities and ONG's of the city which they intend to sensitize to the citizenship fits to the diversity. The goal that pursues the project is to show the wealth of the cultures of the neighborhoods of L' Hospitalet through the sensitization in favor of the diversity, communal life of cultures and against the racism and the xenophobia
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2018
Project title: For the appropriation in the educational centers of the vivencial approach of the culture of peace and the global sostenibilitat in its projects of communal life 1st phase
Project summary: It is a directed program mainly to the students, to professarat and to families of centers educational. The goal him to form an active and critical citizenship with the discriminatories attitudes towards the persons and the breaches in the middle
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 19.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Fundació Internacional Olof Palme
Project title: Educating, bet of future in Equatorial Guinea, in rights of the children
Project summary: The shown project gives continuity to the projects developed in the last 12 years. In particular it deepens the work about the rights of the childhood and the adolescence, working with adult persons as well as with children in and out of the schools. Two lines of action have been planned designed to directly influence the various agents in the reality about Guinean children and adolescents
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Financing: 8.285,61 €
Year: 2018
Fundació Internacional Olof Palme
Project title: To the promotion of a fair and global economics in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat 2018
Project summary: La Fundació International Olof Palme shows a project that consists of three activities; A breakfast-colloquium with members of the entrepreneurial fabric of the city; A lecture open to all the population where subjects related with the Human Rights will be treated and a presentation discusses opinions and points of view about a subject open to the citizenship for cotnraposar in particular
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 8.285,61 €
Year: 2018
Fundació Privada Daniel Shah & Núria Toneu
Project title: Supply of water through wells of potable water
Project summary: The project consists of the construction of 10 wells of potable water of manual bomb for the supply of 450 persons of the population of Kalyanpur, India. Project developed in the rural world, consists of the construction of wells of great depth and of manual bomb distributed in strategic zones of the village for including the senior possible number of inhabitants
Area of action: India
Financing: 2.425,00€
Year: 2018
Fundació Privada Pau i Solidaritat
Project title: Campaign from the eradication of the child work in Lebanon - II
Project summary: Campaign of sensitization to promote the eradication of the child work in Lebanon. Elaboration and edition of a guide about the child work. Celebration of sensitization acts in educational centers
Area of action: Lebanon
Financing: 13.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Fundación Privada Okume AZ
Project title: Construction of a new module for the education of 1st course of ESBA (Basic Secondary Education) at the school Balmens Bata
Project summary: The school Balmes-Bata already brings a series of working years, in this project of continuation it is wanted to continue accompanying to the pupils of the school who have already finished the primary education, for this motive the contrucció of a module is foreseen to guarantee the education of 1st course of ESBA (Basic Secondary Education)
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Financing: 21.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Project title: Consolidating the work of literacy
Project summary: Support to the Home of the Woman Sonia Bello so that it continues with its task of support to the woman of Nicaragua through the realizació of training and workshops
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 4.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Kasamu Aku projectes ONG - Amics de la Kasamance
Project title: Construction of the center of women in Cabrousse. Phase 1
Project summary: Performance to help the women of Cabrousse. The women of the region have few oportuniutats for accedi in works you remunerated since the men take the decisions; for this motive the construction of a space of relation for empoderar the women and to maximize its opportunities through the elaboration of craft products
Area of action: Senegal
Financing: 6.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Medicus Mundi Mediterrània
Project title: Formation and Maintenance of the Laboratory of Sahrauís Medicines - Camps Production of Tindouf (Algeria)
Project summary: This project intends to give continuity to the work of sahrauí development pioneered in 1992 by Medicus Mundi in the camps of refugees. About 150.000 Saharan ones they live since year 1975 in this shelter in the Southwest of Algeria, to the proximity of the city of Tindouf, like conseqüèncuia of the invasion of the occidental Sàhra on the part of Morocco and Mauritania
Area of action: Algeria
Financing: 6.000,00€
Year: 2018
Asociación Mujeres Burkina
Project title: stallation of water and sanitation of the dispensary building - Boassa
Project summary: The Asociation Delinwende with the support of the Asociación Mujeres Burkina struggle for the empowerment of women and care for the most disadvantaged. The purpose of the project is to contribute to the improvement of health. The installation of water and sanitation is essential to carry out the sanitary activities in the new building-dispensary
Area of action: Burkina Fasso
Financing: 4.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Associació de Cooperació FALLOU ONGD
Project title: Project Agro-Ecològic for the empowerment of the women Donar Salam (Senegal). Phase II: production and sale of vegetables
Project summary: A project for empowerment of the Association of Women of the Village of Donar Salam, through the implementation of a system of ecological crop and an agricultural cooperative that allows the commercialization of the production, the durability of the brought infrastructures and the equitable division of the benefits, increasing like this the purchasing power of the families
Area of action: Senegal
Financing: 8.950,00 €
Year: 2018
Associació Djumbai
Project title: The orchard of Camá Saba and Tabato*
Project summary: With this project it is wanted to promote, to foster and to develop the work in the agricultural fields of groups of organized women. Besides the agricultural tasks also they exploit stockbreeders making breeding of goats, ducks and hens. The products obtained from its work are destined to the selfconsumption and subsistence of the family unit and to its commercialization, in case surpluses are produced
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Year: 2018
Fundació Aíto García Reneses
Project title: Clue of basketball "Joy with Gambo" (Ethiopia)*
Project summary: Creation and construction of a clue of basketball in the loalitat of Gambo Etiòpia to create healthy habits and good praxises in environments of nenens and children through the collective sport
Area of action: Ethiopia
Year: 2018
Fundació Solidaritat UB
Project title: Municipal support for the reception of persons sheltered and coming from zones of conflict
Project summary: Providing a worthy house to three sheltered persons. Realization of an exhibition about the causes and consequences of the shelter to 6 districts of the city
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 29.520,00 €
Year: 2018
Fundación Vicente Ferrer
Project title: Access to the right to a worthy house with basic reorganization for 6 persons with different disabilities and its families in situation of vulnerability of the region of Medakasira, India, Anantaput
Project summary: Construction of 6 worthy houses with basic reorganization suitable for the rural community of Cholasamudram of the region of Madakasira, Anantapur, that remained at the hands of 6 persons with different disabilities
Area of action: India
Financing: 10.000€
Year: 2018
Universitat de Barcelona - Àrea de formació complementària
Project title: Carry out two courses on international cooperation, resolution of conflicts and human rights within the framework of the summer courses "Els Juliols" of the University of Barcelona
Project summary: Realization of two courses about international cooperation, resolution of conflicts and human rights within the framework of the courses of summer the Juliols of the University of Barcelona
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 6.000,00 €
Year: 2018
Fundació Pau i Solidaritat
Project title: Campaign for the eradication of the child work in Lebanon
Project summary: Elaboration and edition of a guide about the child work. Celebration of sensitization acts in educational centers
Area of action: Lebanon
Financing: 13.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Agermanament sense Fronteres
Project title: Formation of the Cameroonian woman in the rural world
Project summary: He programs of formation in perspective of gender for 47 organizations of women backed up by the entity since 2014 through projects of agricultural development (crop of cassava)
Area of action: Burkina Fasso
Financing: 5.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Agrupació Esportiva Santa Eulàlia de Hospitalet
Project title: XXVI Urban Mile and VII Solidarity of Santa Eulalia - David Sanchez and Oscar Vizcaino Memorial
Project summary: Sport event "La Milla Urbana". This year it is on the 26th edition. The the meals and funds that retire leave To the Bank of Foods of the Cross Net of the city
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2017
Asociación Mujeres Burkina
Project title: Broadening new competences and formation to contribute to the empoderamiento of the woman of Boassa
Project summary: Project of formation in a group of 20 women of Burkina Faso in textile dressmaking
Area of action: Burkina Fasso
Financing: 3.200,00 €
Year: 2017
Associació Catalana de Solidaritat i Cooperació Internacional pel Desenvolupament ONGD AL KARIA
Project title: Work integration of the youngsters of Xauen into the sector of the rural tourism (third phase)
Project summary: Continuity of the program initiated into 2015 to form 30 youngsters like guides of mountain or ecotouristic agents of development in the city of Xauen
Financing: 11.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Associació Catalana d’Enginyeria sense Fronteres
Project title: It improves Policemen of the Formality of Solid Waste through the consolidation of the associative fabric in the Municipal District of Ka-Maxakeni.
Project summary: Consolidation of the programs of waste in the Community Radio in the neighborhood of Maxaquene "in" through the middle of the appropriation and participation of the community. The good practices through the awareness of the population, the improvement in the efficiency of the collection at level of home and the paper of the pupils of the schools like local activist potentials, as well as the strengthening of the associations that work in the district will be promoted
Area of action: Cameroon
Financing: 8.938,52 €
Year: 2017
Associació Catalana de Fibrosi Quística
Project title: All the world I have law, them also
Project summary: This project intends to assure the improvement of the control of the illness and therefore the quality of life of the children and girls affected of FQ in Nicaragua through the purchase of materials of repeat and reagents for the equipment for evidence of ions in sweat for the diagnosis of the illness
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 5.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Associació club d’Esplai La Florida
Project title: A project of action and sensitization in favor of the rights of the children of the neighborhood of the Flowering - Les Planes and L'Hospitalet
Project summary: Joint of directed activities to introduce the rights of the children (workshops, gymkhanas, games in the posts, participation in fairs...
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 3.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Project title: Contributing to the exercise of a life free of violence against the women and the girls in the Neighborhoods of Kayes N'Dy and Khasso de la Ciutat de Kayes, Mali, through the reduction in cases of Feminist Genital Mutilations and Precocious Marriages
Project summary: "Project that wants to contribute to reducing the traditional practices of genital mutilation and the precocious marriages in two neighborhoods of the city of Kayes de Malí.
The activities focus on the formation in human rights, the sensitization of the population in general and the medical and legal attention to the affected women"
Area of action: Mali
Financing: 10.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Associació de Cooperació FALLOU ONGD
Project title: Project of universal health in the village of Dar Salam, Senegal
Project summary: I project, furniture and equipment for the home of health of Dar Salam (Senegal), for the endowment of infrastructures; precisely, a house is constructed for the boss nurse of the center, the different rooms are furnished, fungible material is provided for the cares and the salaries of everything are paid to the staff (nurse, agent of health and llevadora) during a year
Area of action: Senegal
Financing: 8.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Project title: The sleep and the values of the African music
Project summary: Project to face to know the African culture through the music carrying out directed workshops of students of school of primary and of the school of music of the city
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 5.250,00 €
Year: 2017
Associació L'Hospitalet amb el Sàhara
Project title: It improves saharahuís of Tinduf of the health in the centers of special education of the camps of refugees
Project summary: I back up in the centers of special education of the refugee camps of Tindouf for the purchase of foods so that it is provided to have breakfast to the children/him that they attend
Area of action: Algeria
Financing: 9.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Comissió de festes La Gresca Collblanc- La Torrassa
Project title: XXIII Festival of the diversity in L'Hospitalet
Project summary: Celebration of the XXIII Party of the Diversity, this project starts from the initiative of the entities and ONG's of the city which they intend to sensitize to the citizenship fits to the diversity. The goal that pursues the project is to show the wealth of the cultures of the neighborhoods of L'Hospitalet through the sensitization in favor of the diversity, communal life of cultures and against the racism and the xenophobia
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2017
Project title: REAL THE PURSUIT. The game of questions that nobody should ever become
Project summary: Role play for such of empatitzar with the persons who suffer obligatory migrations. The activity wants to carry out 10 educational centers, with 4 entities, to 10 diverse equipment and in 10 transversal acts of city
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 2.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Fons Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament
Project title: Contributing to the real exercise upward to the health of the population sheltered Syrian and Lebanese more vulnerable to Aarsall, Valley of Bekkaa
Project summary: Project for the establishment of a sanitary service for sheltered persons and Lebanese in situation of vulnerability in Aarsal, Lebanon.
Precisely, the purchase and adequacy of the equipment of five medical services is requested to the Hospitalet (primary and familiar, pediatrics, bucodental, radiodiagnòstic and sexual and reproductive health)
Area of action: Lebanon
Financing: 10.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Fons Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament
Project title: Challenges and opportunities from the roots: Perceptions of the traditional llevadores and sensitization in feminine genital mutilation in the new legal frame that forbids the practice in Gambia
Project summary: Project wants to contribute to the prevention of the MGF in Gambia in the new legal frame of prohibition of the practice. After 4 years of research (2012 to 2016) they are wanted to analyze the datum to obtain a report about the perceptions, experiences, practices and resistances from the traditional llevadores in relation in the MGF in order to extract learned lessons and improve the actions to to develop with this collective for the prevention and the attention of the MGF in the country
Area of action: Gambia
Financing: 6.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Fundació Internacional Olof Palme
Project title: Educating, contribution of future to Equatorial Guinea, in Rights of the Children
Project summary: The shown project continuity woman to the projects developed in the last 12 years. In particular it deepens the work about the rights of the childhood and the adolescence, working with adult persons as well as with children in and it went of the schools. Two lines of performance thought to fall directly upon the reality about the several auditor agents about the children, girls and Guinean teenagers have been planned
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Financing: 8.285,61 €
Year: 2017
Fundació Internacional Olof Palme
Project title: To promote of a fairer economics
Project summary: The project consists of a part in the organization of a conferce amb continguts relacionats amb els Drets Humans i la Solidaritat, i per una untre band, l'organització de dos esmorzars-col·loqui on is convidarà to an important personalitat de l'àmbit de la politique o l'economia i on will be members representing the business teixit of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 6.528,60 €
Year: 2017
Fundació Josep Comaposada
Project title: Net of Solidary Ovens for the decent work in the Salvador
Project summary: Creation of a net of "solidary ovens" along a formative process and of creation of cooperatives of three years. During the first year, the 60 beneficiary women will be formed of the 4 departments of the country
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2017
Project title: Municipal support for the reception of persons sheltered and coming from zones of conflict
Project summary: Providing a worthy house to three sheltered persons. Realization of an exhibition about the causes and consequences of the shelter to 6 districts of the city
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 29.520,00 €
Year: 2017
Project title: Reconstruction of impluvium in the island of Ourong
Project summary: Rehabilitation and conditioning of the impluvium existing in the island of Ourong (Casamance, Senegal). The activities are the different steps or constructive stages, from the design, the purchase of the materials, etc. The realization of a formation to the community is also foreseen so that they can take charge of the maintenance of the work and the formation in practices of hygiene
Financing: 5.000,00 €
Year: 2017
L’Hospitalet amb el Sàhara
Project title: Holidays in peace for sahrauís children - Summer 2017
Project summary: In this project, families of L' Hospitalet will accommodate sahrauis children during the months of July and August, he intends to give these children the possibility to live a reality different of what they live in refugee camps of Tinduf from 1975. They will use the stay for carrying out visits and medical revisions
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 20.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Universitat de Barcelona- Àrea de Formació Complementària
Project title: Realization of two courses about international cooperation, resolution of conflicts and human rights within the framework of the courses of summer Los Julios de la Universidad of Barcelona
Project summary: Realization of two courses about international cooperation, resolution of conflicts and human rights within the framework of the courses of summer Los Julios de la Universidad of Barcelona
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 6.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Associació Djumbai
Project title: School of music in Bissau
Project summary: Construction of a classroom of music in the asset of Guinea-Bissau
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Financing: 3.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Associació Tres Quarts per Cinc Quarts
Project title: Classroom of human rights of L'Hospitalet
Project summary: This project will have activities how, debates, lectures, talked about in high schools, courses of university extension, projections, exhibitions among other activities that they help to sensitizing to the citizens of The Hospitalet and to increase its implication to achieve the goals of the Plan of Cooperation. The activities want to foster the values of the Human Rights, the Culture of Pau, and the Goals of the Millennium, besides strengthening the area of the solidarity and the worry from the global challenges that we face
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 10.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Comissió de Cultura de Can Serra
Project title: Improvements of the center of disabilities of Massaya and equipment in the child canteens (Nicaragua)
Project summary: The project that is shown is the continuation of the former year, new premises has been able to be achieved for disabled persons and now the center is backed up with the purchase of a van
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 4.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Fundación Privada Okume AZ
Project title: Construction and improvement of the access to the zone of residence and classrooms of the school Balmes-Bata
Project summary: Construction of the approach road in the residence of students of the school Balmes-Bata and perforation of a well to supply the health workers with water from the educational center
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Financing: 21.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Fundación Vicente Ferrer
Project title: Promoting the right to the education of 347 girls and boys of the distritode Anantapur
Project summary: Purchase and pound of 347 bicycles because pupils of secondary they can travel in better conditions of certainty in its educational centers
Area of action: India
Financing: 10.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Grup Dones Can Serra
Project title: Consolidating the work of literacy
Project summary: Support to the Home of the Woman Sonia Bello so that it continues with its task of facing support to the woman of Nicaragua through the realization of training and workshops
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 4.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Parròquia de Sant Benet de Can Serra
Project title: Consolidation of the project of health of the communities that belong to the parish of St.Gaspar of Taulabé
Project summary: The performance that proposes this project intends to improve the health in the several communities that depend on the Parish of San Gaspar of Taulabé, to promote the natural medicine and to be able to help the persons who do not have resources nor possibilities to access to the centers of health through workshops of natural medicine
Area of action: Honduras
Financing: 4.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Ulls del Món
Project title: Eyes of Mali 2017. Ophthalmologic attention in the region of Mopti
Project summary: Project of support continuity in the National Strategic Plan of Prevention and Fight against the Blindness. The entity counts on the implication and support of the Ministry of Public Health of the region. 92% of the total of the grant requested (8.000 €) themselves are destined to the purchase of waterfalls equipment (or ophthalmologic equipment)
Area of action: Mali
Financing: 8.000,00 €
Year: 2017
Agermanament sense fronteres
Project title: Empowerment of the women collaborating with the rural cooperatives
Project summary: The performance that shows this project consists to putting 6 fields of cassava in production and enabling the women of the cooperatives with technical formation and of formality for taking out the maximum performance to the collection and commercialization of the cassava of the fields that stood firm during in 2014 and in 2015
Area of action: Cameroon
Financing: 5.000,00€
Year: 2016
Agrupació Esportiva Santa Eulàlia de Hospitalet
Project title: XXV Urban Mile and VII it Would Consolidate of Santa Eulália- Memorial David Sánchez and Óscar Vizcaíno
Project summary: Project of transversal sensitization where the solidarity in a specific way joins two concepts how they are the sport and the citizenship in order to manifest the disagreement with the situations of inequalities that rule nowadays in the world. Working the sensitization of the citizens of The Hospitalet remembering the current situation about the needs that live some marginal groups with risk of social exclusion is proposed as a general goal
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 6.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Asociación de Cooperación Fallou Associats
Project title: Restoration and equipment of the École Primaire de Dar Salam
Project summary: The goal of this project is the one of restoring the school in a complete way of the village of Dar Salam to increase the educational capacities, building a perimetral wall that he blocks the access of the livestock and of the neighbors out of the school schedule (facilitating the maintenance of school equipment and of the facilities themselves) like this how to endow electrical energy for computers and lighting with a photovoltaic system to provide and of a system of canalization to transport water until the baths and to be able to facilitate the basic hygienic habits
Area of action: Senegal
Financing: 7.826,00 €
Year: 2016
Associació Catalana d'Amistat amb Nicaragua, Casa de Nicaragua Barcelona
Project title: Literacy in the Autonomous Region Atlàntic South. The Branches singularity
Project summary: This entity proposes how I project to alphabetize the illiterate population of the communities Rama-Kreole of Nicaragua, the main goal is the direct literacy and training specialized in the members of the community to consolidate the educational dynamics of the same ones
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 5.000,00€
Year: 2016
Associació Catalana de Solidaritat i Cooperació Internacional pel Desenvolupament Al Karia ONGD Catalana
Project title: Work integration of the youngsters of Xauen into the sector of the rural tourism (second phase)
Project summary: The current project the formation will be carried out with 13 youngsters who approved in 2015, it is wanted to develop a series of actions for legalizing its situation and to penetrate in the starting of new offers related with the rural tourism him the formality of the natural spaces
Area of action: Morocco
Financing: 10.000,00€
Year: 2016
Associació Catalana d'Enginyeria Sense Fronteres
Project title: Project of identification to consolidate the actions of the platform of the civil company of the District of K-Maxaquene (Maputo)
Project summary: This project intends to pioneer a process which it allows to identify a new counterpart and to carry out a process of boy scout and of joint work with the associations of the Platform that allows to establish priorities in the actions future. The change of dimension of working with OCBs in the neighborhood, to the qualitative jump of working with an entity of second level like platform, requires applicant who gauges a strategy from intervention of a process of identification on the part of the entity future
Area of action: Maputo
Financing: 7.725,39 €
Year: 2016
Associació Club d'Esplai La Florida
Project title: We all are La Florida
Project summary: This project has as a main goal to contribute to the development of an intercultural consciousness that goes to the understanding of the habits, culture, language and values of the diversity of the participant users of the project. It is intended to facilitate the social inclusion of the children and young newcomers, providing knowledge about the social means that accommodates them
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 6.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Project title: Support to the liability upward to a life free of violence for the victim women in Colombia
Project summary: This project contributes to the strengthening of the capacities of liability upward to a life free of violence towards the victim women of violence and conflicts made Colombian
Area of action: Colombia
Financing: 10.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Associació joves per la igualtat i la solidaritat, joves com tu (JIS)
Project title: In Transit. Program of sensitization about the migratory process
Project summary: The project treats some the great subjects of present of the last years how it is the phenomenon of the immigration. This supposes an opportunity as well as a challenge for Europe and requires of the application of effective policies related to the integration
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 6.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Associació L'Hospitalet amb el Sàhara
Project title: Holidays in peace for children Sahrauís- Verano 2016
Project summary: In this project, hospitalenses families will accommodate girls and sahrauís children during July and August, intends to give this children the possibility to live one to reality different of what they live in the camps of refugees of Tinduf from 1975
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 23.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Associació L'Hospitalet amb el Sàhara
Project title: It improves of the health in the centers of special education of the camps of sahrauís refugees of Tinduf
Project summary: The project consists to promoting and improving the health in the centers of special education of the camps of sahrauís refugees of Tinduf. To be able to nourish these children once a day is one of the main goals of the project, to guarantee a food on the day
Area of action: Algeria
Financing: 6.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Associació Tres Quarts per Cinc Quarts
Project title: Classroom of the Human Rights of L'Hospitalet
Project summary: This project will have activities like debates, lectures, talked about in high schools, courses of University extension, projections, exhibitions among other activities that they help to sensitizing to the citizens of The Hospitalet and to increase its implication to achieve the goals of the Plan of Cooperation. The activities want to foster the values of the Human Rights, the Culture of Pau, and the Goals of the Millennium, besides strengthening the area of the solidarity and the worry from the global challenges that we face
Area of action: Spain
Financing: 10.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Comissió de Cultura de Can Serra
Project title: Improvements and equipment in Masaya community centers
Project summary: The project that is presented is the continuation of the previous year, it has been possible to get new premises for people with disabilities and now we work to give support to those people who in an organized way work to integrate into society and are trained to be able to develop a job Paid to provide help to the family economy
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 4.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Fundació Internacional Olof Palme
Project title: Rights of Children and Adolescents in Equatorial Guinea
Project summary: The project presented gives continuity to the projects developed in the last 11 years. In particular, it deepens the work on the rights of children and adolescents, working with both adults and children inside and outside schools. Two lines of action have been planned in order to have a direct impact on the various actors involved in the reality of Guinean children and adolescents
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Financing: 8.218,55 €
Year: 2016
Fundació Josep Comaposada
Project title: Strengthening the network of women social leaders for decent work in El Salvador
Project summary: This project is designed to train 500 women, belonging to various community associations or not and socially established organizations, with this training is intended that the participants acquire the ability to explain and promote within their own environment the meaning of decent work
Area of action: El Salvador
Financing: 13.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Fundació Privada Okume Az
Project title: Construcción del taller de tecnología en la escuela Balmes- Bata. GuineaEcuatorial
Project summary: Este proyecto pretende la construcción y puesta en funcionamiento de un taller de tecnología con el objetivo de ir más allá de la educación tradicional y ofrecer a los niños y niñas un espacio donde trabajar la competencia tecnológica. Las competencias básicas del ámbito científico y tecnológico se refieren a aquellas capacidades que permiten a los alumnos resolver problemas a partir de los conocimientos científicos y técnicos, así como el dominio de procesos de la actividad científica
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Financing: 20.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Fundació Privada Pau i Solidaritat
Project title: Campaign to support migrant domestic workers in Lebanon. Phase II
Project summary: The project presented is Phase II of the previous year, intended to contribute to improving the living and working conditions of migrant domestic workers in Lebanon. We want to continue working to improve the advocacy capacity of women workers in the domestic sector for the defense of their own human labor rights
Financing: 13.000,00€
Year: 2016
Project title: Empowering of the native communities Chenchus of the zone of SriSailam through the strengthening of the community organizations and the construction of a community center in Mallikarjunapuram
Project summary: The project intends to provide a community center where to carry out the community meetings of the population Chechu de Mallikarjunapuram, it will be a worthy and suitable space where the different associative movements of the community will be able to be gathered, will also be used to carry out different formations and training in educational and cultural subjects for all the families of the community
Area of action: India
Financing: 10.000,00€
Year: 2016
Grup de dones de Can Serra
Project title: To consolidate the work of literacy
Project summary: By the project that they show this year the adequacy of the home where the ill-treated women that its sons and daughters can also have live is based an estància worthy and they can spend time joints. This project appears from the growth of maltreatment, the problems that have true the sons is worked together with the police of the city to be able to accommodate these women and to be able to attempt to resolve, many times fruit of the rapes that suffer
Area of action: Nicaragua
Financing: 4.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Parròquia Sant Benet de Can Serra
Project title: Project of Health to community of the Parish of San Gaspar of Taulabé (Honduras)
Project summary: The performance that proposes this project intends to improve the health in the several communities that depend on the Parish of San Gaspar of Taulabé, the natural medicine to be able to help the persons that they do not have not promoting resources nor possibilities to access to the centers of health through workshops of medicine natural
Financing: 4.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Private Foundation Eyes of the World
Project title: Eyes of Mali 2016. Ophthalmologic attention in the region of Mopti
Project summary: Eyes of Mali 2016 he intends to contribute to the improvement of the ocular health of the population of the region of Mopti. The main lines of the program are the ophthalmologic and optic attention through the consultation, diagnostic, operations and treatment; the postoperative follow-up of the population with scarce economic resources and the endowment of the equipment, material and medication necessary to carry out this ocular attention
Area of action: Mali
Financing: 8.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Asociación Mujeres Burkina
Project title: Starting of the nursery of nursery school and the canteen of the Center of Boassa
Project summary: This project intends to create a school of child education (nursery school and nursery school) for children of 6 years in situation of high risk of exclusion and biopsicosocial precariousness. The main goal of this initiative is to watch over its physical and intellectual development, and to guarantee a daily feeding, care and education of the children of the school
Area of action: Burkina Faso
Financing: 3.254,00€
Year: 2016
Project title: Reconstruction of a house for accommodation of students
Project summary: This project is of carrying out the reconstruction of a house of a woman and its son what because of the storms they lost its home, at the same time it will serve like accommodation for two/ four students coming from rural populations that they do not take place where to lodge in the city and like this to be able to continue with its academic formation
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Financing: 3.000,00 €
Year: 2016
Associació de Cooperació Fallou Associats
Project title: To walk towards food sovereignty Donar-Salam-Nioufaye
Project summary: This project intends to foster the collective work and the implementation of a community vegetable garden for the ecological production of those fruits and cool vegetables for the selfconsumption that delivery bread wheat usually of the diet but that, for technological and sociocultural factors, they do not cultivate and they have to buy when it is possible for them.
Area of action: Sénégal
Year: 2015
Project title: Improvements in the vegetable gardens of Bafata
Project summary: The purpose that pursues this entity with project is to promote, to foster and to develop the work in the agricultural fields of women organized in Bafata. Besides the agricultural tasks also they exploit stockbreeders making breeding of goats, ducks and hens.
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Year: 2015
Associació Joves per la Igualtat i la Solidaritat, joves com tu
Project title: In Traffic. Program of sensitization about the migratory process
Project summary: This project believes the transmission of knowledge among equal. They will carry out an itinerant exhibition that will have the public space, as well as different municipal equipment of all the Catalan territory as a stage.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2015
Associació Tres Quarts per Cinc Quarts- Espai de debat
Project title: L' H with the Human Rights.- "Classroom" of the Human Rights of L' H"
Project summary: The project that shows this entity intends to increase the sensitization of the citizens of L' H in favor of one senior implication in the fight against the poverty and in the cooperation to the development of countries or zones of the world that they need it.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2015
Comissió de Festes "La Gresca" Collblanc- La Torrassa
Project title: XXI Party of the Diversity of L' Hospitalet
Project summary: Celebration of the XXI Party of the Diversity, this project starts from the initiative of the entities and ONG's of the city that intend to sensitize the citizenship in favor of the diversity. The goal of the project is to show the wealth of the cultures and of all people, through the sensitization in favor of the communal life diversity of cultures and against the racism and the xenophobia.
Year: 2015
Fundació Internacional Olof Palme
Project title: Rights of the children in Equatorial Guinea. The childhood as a bet offuture
Project summary: The project deepens the work about the rights of the children and teenagers, working with adults as well as with minors, the celebration of the XII edition of the seminar of Malabo and of the VI edition of the Seminar in Bata, workshops of formation with children, girls and teenagers in Malabo and Bata will be carried out.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2015
Fundació Privada Catalana Akwaba
Project title: #cangetridinequalities:creative learning for a global citizenship-2nd phase
Project summary: The purpose of the project is to generate an active citizenship with respect to the defense of the human rights and the human and sustainable development. The strategies of the program focus he operates formative theoretical and practical directed in the youth of 10 to 18 years of the city of L' Hospitalet.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2015
Fundació Privada Okume Az
Project title: Construction of the school library at the school Balmes-Bata
Project summary: The project intends to continue complementing the school with spaces that facilitate the pupils and families an education integral and of quality, it is wanted to carry out the construction and starting of a school library to be able to work with calmness.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2015
Fundació Privada Okume Az
Project title: Rehabilitation of the orphanage (OCRC-Nepal)
Project summary: After the earthquake of scale 7,8 that has happened to Nepal the last Saturday 25/04/2015, the affected cities have been partially destroyed. Okume Az makes years that he manages an orphanage in the city of Bhaktapur, detached of the earthquake the building has been partially destroyed. The wall of restraint has fallen down and the cracks are evident in the rest of the building. The reconstruction of the orphanage is indispensable that the children and girls abandon the street and can vomit to its usual life.
Area of action: Nepal
Year: 2015
Fundació Privada Pau i Solidaritat
Project title: Campaign of support to the migrant domestic workers in Lebanon
Project summary: The shown project intends to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions and of work of the domestic workers migrant of Lebanon. It is wanted to improve the capacity of incidence of the domestic workers in the defense of the work human rights themselves.
Area of action: Lebanon
Year: 2015
Fundació Privada Ulls del Món
Project title: Eyes of Mali 2015. Improvement of the treatment and the prevention of the avoidable blindness in the region of Mopti
Project summary: This project intends to continue contributing to the improvement of the ocular health of the population of the region of Mopti. The main lines of the program are the ophthalmologic and optic attention through the consultation, diagnosis, operations and treatment: the postoperative follow-up of the population with scarce economic resources and the endowment of equipment, material and medication necessary.
Area of action: Mali
Year: 2015
Agermanaments Sense Fronteres
Project title: Improvement of the alimentary soberania in the cooperatives of the women
Project summary: This project consists on broadening 10 has of fields of cassava the started plantations the one former to 3 cooperatives and, on the other hand, to enable with formation technical and of formality and with material resources to the women of the cooperatives to take out the maximum performance of the collection and commercialization of the cassava.
Area of action: Cameroon
Year: 2015
Agrupació Esportiva Santa Eulàlia (A.E.S.E)
Project title: XXVI Urban Mile and VI Solidarity of Santa Eulàlia
Project summary: This project of sensitization is sent to the citizenship in general, but mainly to the youngsters and especially to the smallest in school age. They consider as a main goal the fact that works for the sensitization of the citizens of L'Hospitalet, remembering the current situation of needs that live some marginal groups with risk of social exclusion.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2015
Asociación de Mujeres Burkina
Project title: Installation of water, shower and health workers in I center it of formation for weary women, children and girls of Boassa
Project summary: The entity that wants to develop this project, acquired a terrain and a center of formation is being constructed for the women, children and girls of the neighborhood of Sandongo. The current project contemplates the realization of the installation of showers, health workers for the reorganization, risk and like this to provide a worthy space and a formation, in good conditions to the beneficiaries.
Area of action: Burkina Faso
Year: 2015
Associació Catalana d'Amistat amb Nicaragua. Casa de Nicaragua de Barcelona
Project title: Productive performance in indigenas communities in the Nicaragua RAAS
Project summary: This project pursues the goal to teach how to producing radishes, cucumbers, pipián ayote, chayote, to make cool drinks and juices of pulp, they will teach how also to cultivating in creek them-them, pitahayas and they will teach how to preparing these foods for solving the problem of the malnutrition them. Moreover this project is set in the strategies of literacy.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2015
Associació Catalana d'Enginyeria Sense Fronteres
Project title: Strengthening of the capacities of the local authorities and the organizations of neighborhood for the improvement of the living conditions in the District of Ka- Maxakeni
Project summary: The project has the goal to increase the capacities of the neighborhoods of informal fabric of the District nº3, District of Ka- Maxakeni in the defense of its Right to the Habitat through the promotion of the citizenship in its Rights and Duties. D'aqeusta way intends the population to be the protagonist in the promotion of the Rights, citizenship, culture, health and education.
Area of action: Mozambique
Year: 2015
Associació Catalana de Solidaritat i Cooperació Internacional pel Desenvolupament. ONGD AL KARIA
Project title: Work integration of the youngsters of Xauen into the sector of rural tourism
Project summary: This project will carry out a theoretical complete formation and practical activities with the goal of to know the legal aspects Moroccans of the work of guide of mountain, the formation on the subject of climatology and ecosystem, certainty, activities and basic techniques, first help, logistics... I process them they will be carried out with formation recommended by the Town Council of Xauen and the Ministry of Tourism and
will be finished with an evidence and appraisals to qualify the level of participants.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2015
Associació Club d'Esplai La Florida
Project title: The Multicultural Florida
Project summary: The project that they show has for main goal to contribute to the development of an intercultural consciousness that goes to the understanding of the habits, to culture, to language and to values of the diversity of the users. From this knowledge and mutual respect, they want to promote the cooperation of the children and youngsters in the area of the interculturalitat, making that this spreads to its families and to the community in general.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2015
Associació Cooperacció
Project title: Support to the liability of the right to a life free of violence for the victim women of Colombia
Project summary: The project searches to strengthen the capacities of the victim women of violence and of the made conflict requiring it, to enjoy the right plenum to the truth, the justice and the repair. Specifically they will reinforce the organizational processes of the women and its capacity of articulation with the social movement of women to fall upon the protection and restitution of its rights.
Area of action: Colombia
Year: 2015
Associació de L'Hospitalet amb el Sàhara
Project title: Holidays in peace for children. Summer 2015
Project summary: In this project some families of L'Hospitalet will accommodate children and sahrauís girls during the months of July and August, he intends to give these children the possibility to live a reality different of his.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet
Local Entity:
Year: 2015
Associació Joves per la Igualtat i la Solidaritat, joves com tu
Project title: Improving household sewerage system Jorge neighborhood Cassaly
Project summary: The action that shows this entity, he intends to strengthen the work pioneered in the year 2014, getting an answer to the problems of the system of sanitary sewerage of the neighborhoods Marvin Marín and to sector Los Rodríguez.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2015
Associació L'Hospitalet amb el Sàhara
Project title: It improves of the health of the centers of special education of the camps of Sahrauís refugees in Tinduf
Project summary: The project consists to promoting and improving the health in the centers of special education of the camps of refugees of Tindouf, the activities that they propose to achieve the general goal shown in the project are the purchase and distribution of foods in all centers and the broadcast of this project among the families of the pupils of the centers because of that.
Area of action: Algeria
Year: 2015
Comissió de Cultura de Can Serra
Project title: You improve from the Center of discapacitats/-donis of Masaya and equipment in the child canteens
Project summary: The foundation of weary CEB's of Masaya has worked to back up the poorest persons of the city and to give support to its projects. This year they will prioritize the adequacy of the new premises for the disabled ones and disabled without leaving the most urgent things for being able to continue with the child canteen.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2015
Fundació Campaner
Project title: Medicines for the dispensary of the Bell Ringer Foundation in Diffa
Project summary: This project intends to supply the dispensary of medicines with Diffa in order to help the children and girls affected by the noma and other illnesses and lacks.
Area of action: Niger
Year: 2015
Fundació Josep Comaposada
Project title: Creation and training of the net of social lideresas for the decent work in the Salvador
Project summary: The project consists to sensitizing and forming leader women of communal, social associations and of the informal sector. With this formation, is intended on a part, that the participants are capable of promoting and that to explain in its own environment what the decent work consists of, and for one another, to bring the plans ahead for its effective implantation through the creation of a net of social leader women.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2015
Grup de Dones de Can Serra
Project title: To consolidate the work of literacy and fix the roof is falling the work of literacy and fixing the ceiling that isfalling down
Project summary: The goal main of the project this year it is to fix the ceiling of the premises where the literacy of the women of the "home of the woman Sonia Bello" is carried out.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2015
Instituto de Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo Muncipal, INCIDEM
Project title: Support for the recovery of public space of quarter of San Sebastià for the civic concicencia and the promotion of the commercial activity fear half of festivals of open doors
Project summary: This project searches to guarantee a better certainty for the pedestrians, for the persons who go about the 5 avenue Sud and the street Texincal, like this how to promote and to organize the activity of 30 small traders of the zone since activities programmed to stimulate the commercial activity as well as the family communal life and the certainty of the pedestrians, in the retrieved public space and orderly will be carried out.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2015
Kasamu Aku Projectes ONG Amics de la Casamance
Project title: Reconstruction classrooms for the educational member promotion of the Nursery of Cabrousse. Phase II
Project summary: It is proposed making the rehabilitation of the covers of the starting recreational centers by those that are in worse conditions of salubrity, using materials and sustainable techniques of construction. Because of the current state of the constructions to rehabilitate, the projected covers have an independent structure of the existing construction.
Area of action: Senegal
Year: 2015
Parròquia de Sant Benet Can Serra. L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Project title: Consolidation of health project of the communities that belong to the Pàrroquia de St. Gaspar de Taulabé
Project summary: The performance that proposes this project intends to improve the health in the different communities that depend on the Parish of Sant Gaspar de Taulabé, they want to promote the natural medicine for being able to help the persons who do not have resources nor possibilities to access to the centers of health.
Area of action: Honduras
Year: 2015
Solidarity and Communication - SICOM
Project title: Món Obert- L' Hospitalet with the Human Rights
Project summary: This entity proposes an audiovisual project focused to foster the solidary activities, the international cooperation and the DD.HH. It has as a goal to introduce the solidary activities that are made in the city of L'Hospitalet from the area of the civil company as well as from the public administrations and to participate in the debate about the best tools and ideas to construct a global world more exactly.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2015
Universitat de Barcelona
Project title: Realization of two courses about international cooperation, resolution of conflicts and human rights Julios de la Universidad of Barcelona
Project summary: It is about two courses of a week of duration of the University of Barcelona. Every course it consists of 30 hours; it is one: Construction of the peace, human rights and international cooperation and the other one: Current conflicts and international cooperation. The methodology consists that the registered pupils attend and participate, in theoretical level as well as in pilot, in classes of two hours of duration. In the end a round table will be made with agents importing answer to the initial subject of the course from the world of the cooperation to face.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2015
Universitat Sense Fronteres
Project title: Development of the urban planing and consolidation of the óficina of urban development in the town of Oussouye, Senegal
Project summary: The performance has the goal to strengthen the technical office of urban planning and to endow it with tools to be able to manage growth of the commune and computer equipment to the continuum. The moved volunteers will work policemen and local authorities in technical equipment in order to make aware of the importance to anticipate the growth of the commune and to manage it correctly in the municipal equipment of Oussoye.
Area of action: Senegal
Year: 2015
Agermanament Sense Fronteres
Project title: Cooperatives of women for the development of the agriculture inelcamerún
Project summary: The project proposes the creation of five community fields of cassava for the five selected cooperatives, it has for goal to promote the paper of the woman in the family economics, to endow the family feeding on the path with independence and with the means to improve of the alimentary sovereignty and to generate economic resources with the sale of products of the earth.
Area of action: Cameroon
Year: 2014
Acció Solidària Igman
Project title: L'H in the ONGC, solidarity in time of crisis
Project summary: This project appears with the severe economic and social crisis that is being lived, they want to put the need to reinforce the nets of solidarity and cooperation of the city in value. Of solidarity with the city and its people and all over. He frequents then, of facing a value in the work of the local associative fabric and like this interacts with the city as a tool of social cohesion especially in this moments so complicated than live the country and also the city.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2014
Agrupació Esportiva Santa Eulàlia- ASESE
Project title: XXIII Urban Mile and V Would Consolidate of Santa Eulàlia
Project summary: This project is directed towards children and youngsters in school age. The main goal of this project is to work to sensitize the citizens of L'H, introducing and the situation of need remembering some marginal groups with risk of social exclusion living on the social fabric through the sport.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2014
Associació Club d’Esplai La Florida
Project title: Educational partner project with canteen in August/September for children of Hospitalet de Llobergat 2014
Project summary: This entity, it has for main goal to be able to guarantee more that children of The Hospitalet continue having a healthier feeding August of being able to carry out activities that its families can not assume.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2014
Associació Club d’Esplai Pubilla Cases Can Vidalet
Project title: I project socioeducativo with canteen in Hospitalet Nord 2014
Project summary: The purpose of the performance, is to develop a space socioeducativo which a diet balanced for children from 3 to 12 years of the north zone of the Hospitalet, in the neighborhood Pubilla Casas, guarantees works with families with severe difficulties soci-econòmiques during August.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2014
Associació Club d'Esplai La Florida
Project title: Between Cultures
Project summary: The projecte Between Cultures tea per main objectiu sensibilitzar autòctones tant les persones com les persones provinent d'països to interrelate altres-is positively Donant to allo positiu i tot conèixer afrontant col·lectivament problemes els being pruned generate.
Year: 2014
Associació Cooperacció
Project title: Organization of Women and local governments working to improve intervention strategies of violence in 5 districts of El Salvador
Project summary: The project presented by this entity, wants to contribute to the eradication of violence against women in El Salvador through the implementation of an intervention strategy on violence. This project aims to involve seven women's associations.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2014
Associació Djumbai
Project title: Education in time of leisure
Project summary: This project pursues the goal to create an environment that favors the education, socialization and integration of the children into its community, as continuity and support of the school, offering the community a space of leisure and interaction, making ludic activities as an educational resource, copywriter, socialitzador and integrator and achieving the material resources for the creation of a new space of learning.
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Year: 2014
Associació Educativa Ítaca de L'Hospitalet
Project title: Social and educational project
Project summary: This project aims to provide a welcoming space for the child during the summer while reconciling family life with the child and to ensure balanced three meals during school hours to L'Hospitalet children who are in poverty / risk of social and / or absence of an adult leader in the timing of meals exclusion.
Year: 2014
Project title: Improvement of the health in the centers of special edcucació of the camps of Sahrauís refugees of Tinduf, Algeria
Project summary: The project consists to promoting and improving the health in the centers of special education of the camps of refugees of Tindouf, the activities that they propose to achieve the general goal shown in the project are the purchase and distribution of foods in all centers and the broadcast of this project among the families of the pupils of the centers because of that.
Area of action: Algeria
Year: 2014
Associació L’Hospitalet amb el Sàhara
Project title: Holidays in peace for children Sahrauís- Verano 2014
Project summary: In this project, families of L' Hosiptalet will accommodate children and sahrauís girls during the months of July and August, he intends to give these children the possibility to live a reality different of his in the refugee camps. During the months of stay, the improvement of the health of the children facilitating medical visits and a complete and healthy feeding will be favored.
Area of action: L'hospitalet De Llobregat
Year: 2014
Associació Sani a Catalunya
Project title: Project supply of materials in the hospital Sandiara
Project summary: This project seeks to amend the material damage suffered Sandiara hospital due to heavy rains during 2013. Part of damage in various materials corresponding area hospital that broke, so, this entity has agreed to a performance point for the acquisition of medical supplies and 14 different mattresses.
Area of action: Senegal
Year: 2014
Association Three Quarters for Five Quarters- Space of Debate
Project title: L'H with the Human Rights
Project summary: This project intends to carry out activities of debates, lectures, talked about, exhibitions, projections among other that they help to sensitizing to the citizens of L' Hospitalet and to increase its implication to achieve the Goals of the Plan of Cooperation. The activities want to foster the values of the Human Rights, the Culture of Pau and the Goals of the Millennium.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2014
Project title: Orientation and training for unemployed people over 45 years of L'Hospitalet (together with ASSAT 50)
Project summary: This entity together with ASSAT 50, have made a previous job training needs among partners, more to see emerging activities in the town of Hospitalet, which may allow immediate insertion of these people through this training, career guidance prior and follow-up.
Year: 2014
Center of Studies Jaime Caves, S.C.C.L
Project title: Adequacy and construction of the access to the school Balmes- Bata, and development of its sport facilities
Project summary: At present, this entity has the goal to adapt Caves- Bata to the school from the highway until the classrooms, this access has gone from having suffered some works so that the children can go towards the classrooms, to suffer climatic changes of the zone of a constant ruin because of the continua.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2014
Club Infantil i Juvenil Sanfeliu-Sant Ildefons
Project title: A project socioeducativo with canteen in August for children of the Hospitalet
Project summary: The project consists of the realization of a project socioeducativo with canteen August, it is it proposes a project with the support of the educators of social services and the teachers and educators of the schools, to assure the access of these children with few resources, that but they did not rot to a healthy feeding and at the same time its participation in activities of leisure is the main goal.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2014
Comissió de Cultura Can Serra
Project title: Improvements and equipment in the child canteens and center of disabilities / -suit of Masaya
Project summary: The Foundation of the CEB's of Masaya has worked Life and Hope to back up the poorest persons of the city and to give support to its projects mainly in the child canteens of the Estate, It is because of that that one of the main goals is the one of guaranteeing the children at least a food on the day.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2014
Comissió de Festes “ La Gresca”- Collblanc- Torrassa
Project title: XX Party of the Diversity
Project summary: Celebration of the XX Party of the Diversity, this project starts from the initiative of the entities and ONG's of the city that intend to sensitize the citizenship in favor of the diversity. The goal of the project the wealth of the cultures and of all the people, through the sensitization in favor of the diversity, communal life of cultures and against the racism and the xenophobia, is motrar.
Area of action: L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Year: 2014
Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai- Club d’Esplai Bellvitge
Project title: I project socioeducativo with canteen in Hospitalet Sud 2014
Project summary: The shown project aims for the execution of a mansion of summer the month of August that it guarantees a balanced diet to children from 3 to 12 years of the south zone of The Hospitalet of families with severe difficulties soci-econòmiques.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2014
Fundació Internacional Olof Palme
Project title: Human rights and Social Development in Equatorial Guinea: the educational authority without authoritarianism
Project summary: For carrying out this project three lines of performance, thought to fall directly upon the object reality of our worry about the several auditor agents, have been planned: the children, girls and Guinean teenagers. This set of efforts allows also to face one senior visibility of those of cooperation carried out by this entity.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2014
Fundació Josep Comaposada
Project title: Itinerant school for the work worthy of the Salvador
Project summary: The project consists to starting off the "itinerant Escuela for the decent work of the Salvador" that will pay attention to the formation of 400 union and social leaders, with 40% of women like to minimum, every year. The school will perform in the 5 departments of the country where the CTD and the unions adhered to the ETD want to spread its formative programs.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2014
Fundació Privada Ulls del Món
Project title: It improves of the accessibility and availability in ocular health of the population sheltered sahrauí
Project summary: The program that proposes this entity intends to give answer to the ophthalmologic and optic needs that the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Sahrauí Arab Republic, it has detected in 2014. The general Goal is to improve the visual health of the sahrauina population sheltered facilitating the ophthalmologic and optic attention improving the structures and material resources of the net of ocular health among the sahrauí population.
Area of action: Algeria
Year: 2014
Group of Women of Can Serra
Project title: Consolidating the work of literacy and formation of women of the "home of the Woman Sonia Bello" of Rivas
Project summary: The main goal of the project is the literacy and formation of the women of the "home of the woman Sonia Bello", he intends to overcome the lack of formation and the illiteracy of the women to give possibilities for being able to have a life worthy through the reading and the deed in order to power to broaden its knowledge and to be able to attain works that can be more productive.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2014
Instituto de Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo Municipal (INCIDEM)
Project title: To back up the Salvador in the urbanistic recovery of the historical patrimony of Santa Tecla-. 2nd Phase
Project summary: To give continuity to the project pioneered during 2013 and to specify the actions that were carried out, the goal of the project is to endow the line of improvements realization in the Park of San Martín and activities with sostenibilitat of civic broadcast of the actions, it is it will carry out also of municipal communication, a campaign of divulging of the actions that fall upon the local economic development.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2014
Joves per la Igualtat i la Solidaritat, joves com tú (JIS)
Project title: School of preventive health, incidence and community formality
Project summary: The project East intends to broaden and to update the knowledge and skills towards the preventive health, incidence and community formality of the leaders of three neighborhoods through the implementation of a school of training and community formation, which allows them to offer answers, from the community to the problems of health and the environment.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2014
Kasamu Aku Projectes ONG
Project title: Reconstruction of classrooms for the socio-educational promotion of the Nursery of Cabrousse
Project summary: This project proposes making a rehabilitation of the covers of the spaces in worse conditions of salubrity of the nursery, using materials and sustainable techniques of construction. The general Goal that pursues the project is to increase the human potential in the rural communities of Casamance, Senegal.
Area of action: Senegal
Year: 2014
Parròquia de Sant Benet Can Serra, L’Hospitalet de Llorbegat
Project title: Consolidation of the project of Health of the communities that belong to the Parish of S. Gaspar de Taulabé
Project summary: The performance that proposes this project intends to improve the health in the different communities that depend on the Parish of Sant Gaspar de Taulabé, they want to promote the natural medicine for being able to help the persons who do not have resources nor possibilities to access to the centers of health.
Area of action: Honduras
Year: 2014
SILO, Camí pel desenvolupament dels nens de Guinea Bissau
Project title: Support to education centers in Guinea-Bissau
Project summary: This entity, in order to improve learning and teaching quality has built a library ludo as students from rural areas in their home, no means or conditions to study and to attain all the necessary skills. Its main objective is to provide these centers the infrastructure to improve the quality of teaching, apranentatge performance and reduce truancy.
Area of action: Guinea Bissau
Year: 2014
Solidaritat i Comunicació- SICOM
Project title: Open world- The Hospitalet with the Human Rights
Project summary: The project that shows this entity, it is audiovisual, that he proposes to foster the solidary activities, the international cooperation and the HR. It has as a goal to introduce the activities that are carried out in The Hospitalet, from the area of the civil company as well as from the public adminstracions, and to participate in the debate about the best iidees tools to construct a global world more exactly and more solidary and balanced socially and economically.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2014
Universitat de Barcelona
Project title: To conducting two courses on international cooperation, conflict resolution and human rights in Julys of the University of Barcelona
Project summary: This year they look two courses of a week of duration, every course will consist of 30 hours and will be carried out in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, the courses are: Construction of peace, human rights and international cooperation where a reflection on the performances of the international cooperation will be made in the reconstruction of some countries that have suffered a made conflict and the other course; Current conflicts and international cooperation that will be the continuation of the former course where people spoke about contemporary international wars and the treatment of the same ones from the international cooperation.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2014
Universitat Sense Fronteres
Project title: Construction of the integral faculty Chiquitana and adequacy ofthe entornourbano
Project summary: The performance searches to reinforce the educational system of the region of the Chiquitanía, in the province of Santa Cruz, it is wanted to back up the education superior in coordination with the UA Gabrial René Moreno and the Town Council of San Ignacio of Velasco. During the execution the third toilet of the faculty will be put in functioning and the outer space with paving of the porches and the habilitation of an outer classroom will be adapted.
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2014
Project title: L'H to ONGC: We are woven, we are a city.
Project summary: This project, tries to put the work of the local associative fabric in value and like in this interacts with the city as a tool of social cohesion especially in these moments so complicated than vivve the country and also the city.
Area of action: Spain, Barcelona, L'Hospitalet of Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Retrieving the human landscape before the conflict strengthening the fabric social-economic through the construction and reconstruction of the houses.
Project summary: Creation of spaces of dialog and of encounters among communities in order to describe a listing of needs and of profiles of the beneficiaries for the two entities of the local administration of the Òpstina, while a technical reinforcement is provided to its performances and administration. Is wanted to create a mixed commission which it is sustained along all the project with the intention of creating the first step of work on the whole and removing a joint work from this encounter for the development of the zone and of the space that the different communities share.
Area of action: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Year: 2013
Project title: Commercialization of palm oil for the socioeconomic development of rural zones of Cameroon
Project summary: The objective pursued by this project is to improve the economic and social development of the surrounding villages where installed production unit of palm oil will serve the farmers Nyanon and stocks around.
Area of action: Cameroon
Year: 2013
Project title: XXII Mile Would Consolidate from Santa Eulàlia
Project summary: The sensitization of our environment is the main goal of this sportives projet de charité, because of that this entity wants to foster the power to introduce the citizens of L'hospitalet de Llobregat the situation existing in the schools with big needed of attention to the diversity and every this through the sport.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Project of improvement of the capacities of formality of development of the national net of towns of Mozambique through the diagnosis and proposal of appropriate tools of urbanistic formality in 7 towns under the optics of good governança participation and social inclusion
Project summary: The project will improve the management capacity of developing eight local authorities in Mozambique by supporting work in conducting training in institutional management tools in urban or articulating its position as the work network.
Area of action: Mozambique
Year: 2013
Project title: Project of formation of the sanitary community agents of the rural community of Dialakoto
Project summary: The goal that aims for this project is to increase the quality of life of the inhabitants of the rural community of Dialakoto, forming and equipping for five years to the sanitàrios community agents that, already although they are in the zone, it has lacks of knowledge and resources to be able to develop its function with the minimum sanitary guarantees.
Area of action: Senegal
Year: 2013
Project title: Construction and starting of an agricultural cooperative in Bonconto,Senegal
Project summary: This project aims to create an agricultural cooperative that on the one hand, consists of a collective orchards that produce essential products for consumption and / or sale of the surplus for the benefit of the families, and the operation of a mill grain by the transformation of agricultural products to give an injection of funds to the beneficiary families.
Area of action: Senegal
Year: 2013
Project title: Resetting the medical center in San Francisco Libre
Project summary: After restoration of infrastructure, you can start treating skin problems, such as psoriasis, exzemes, rheumatic problems, arthritis and others. The treatments will be based thermal water and medicinal mud, combined with massage, using natural treatments for the care of these diseases.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2013
Project title: To contribute to the eradication of the discrimination and violence against the women in the Salvador
Project summary: This project intends to contribute to the implementation of the laws to the right to a life free of violence and eradication of the discrimination against the women in the town of San Juan Talpa, of the Department of the Peace, in the Salvador.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2013
Project title: A different world is possible
Project summary: The performance that they show wants to center the policies of Cooperation to the Development and the international solidarity in the organization and development of activities that they sensitize in the population about the importance and the need to sustain.
Area of action: Spain, L' Hospitalet of Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Socio project
Project summary: The proposed action is intended to provide a comprehensive response to personal vulnerability, social and cultural, to which children are exposed and the neighborhood youth and Collblanc Torrassa. It aims to provide support to families in order to ensure the children a level of physical and psychological welfare is.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Strengthening and to develop the capacities of settlers, teachers and pupils of community school with emphasis to reduce the bad habits and the good handling of the domiciliary garbage
Project summary: The project intends to develop a process of education and sensitization in subjects of community health, until coordinated actions with the Center of Health that allows to apply the good habits in the handling of the garbage you would domicile and in coordination with the Units of Environmental Formality of District III, the elimination of the non authorized garbage man.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2013
Project title: It improves of the health in the centers of special education in the camps of Sahrauís refugees of Tinduf
Project summary: The project consists to promoting and improving the health in the centers of of special education of the sahrauís camps of Tindouf, because of that the activities that they propose to achieve the general goal shown in the project are the purchase and distribution of foods in all centers and the broadcast of the project among the families of the pupils of the centers.
Area of action: Algeria
Year: 2013
Project title: Holidays in peace for sahrauís children- Summer 2013
Project summary: This project where families of L'Hospitalet, they will accommodate sahrauís children during July and August, intends to give these children the possibility to live a reality different of his. During the months of stay the improvement of the health of the children, facilitating medical visits and a complete and healthy feeding, will be favored.
Area of action: Spain, L' Hospitalet of Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: L'H for the Human Rights
Project summary: The general goal of the long-term project is to increase the sensitization of the citizens of L' Hospitalet in favor of one senior implication in the fight against the poverty, and in the cooperation for the development of countries or zones of the world that they need it.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: It improves of the basic education and reduction in the abandonment and school failure of the boys and girls of 10 schools of the province of Tànger (II Phase)
Project summary: The project that shows this entity intends to give continuity to the one that they bring 4 years working with different actors of the education of the children. People will teach of support and school reinforcement, they will be made out-of-school activities of motivation, a cycle of computer science and new technologies among other matters.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2013
Project title: Development of tools for the improvement of the living conditions in the neighborhood of Maxaquenne "to". Phase 2
Project summary: The project has the goal to increase the capacities of the inhabitants of informal fabric neighborhood of Maxaquenne "to" in the defense of its right to the habitat through the empowering of the citizenship in its rights and duties.
Area of action: Mozambique
Year: 2013
Project title: Socio project with canteen in August for children of L' Hospitalet 2013
Project summary: The main goal of the project that it shows this entity is to guarantee that 50 children from 3 to 12 years continue having a healthy feeding August to more of being able to carry out activities that its families could not assume.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet
Year: 2013
Project title: Support to the economic development of family units, especially with women as a head of family, through the ransom of the ancestral knowledge of the native people Nansa and Misak of the towns of Caldono i Silvia in the department of the Cauca, Colombia, in the use of medicine and aromatic floors for the treatment of diseases and minor illnesses
Project summary: The project searches to retrieve, to be profitable and to spread the ancestral knowledge with respect to the use of medicine and aromatic floors, of agreement to the uses and habits of the traditional doctors of the native communities of the department of the Cauca, on this occasion, of the native community Misak, in the town of Silvia.
Area of action: Colombia
Year: 2013
Project title: I project socioeducativo with canteen in L' Hospitalet Sud. 2013
Project summary: The project aims for the execution of a mansion of summer the month of August that one guarantees diet balanced to children of 3 to 12 years of the South zone of L'Hospitalet of families with severe socioeconomic difficulties.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet
Year: 2013
Project title: Construction and starting of a medical dispensary at the school Balmes-Bata
Project summary: The project that shows this entity is member-health worker who gives service to all the members of the educational community to create a small center: pupils, parents, staff and inhabitants of the village of Ntobo, in fulfillment of the development of the goals of the Foundation. In this way they want to continue carrying out a double function: providing the youngsters and adults of the voltants education and offering a basic health.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2013
Project title: I project socioeducativo with canteen in August for children of L' Hospitalet
Project summary: This entity brings up a project with the support of social services and the teachers and educators of the schools for the realization of a school canteen during the mansion of summer to guarantee a diet balanced for the children with severe socioeconomic difficulties.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet
Year: 2013
Project title: Improvements and equipment at community centers Masaya
Project summary: The project presented by this organization is to bring the soup kitchens and the child care spaces, as well as to enable the adaptation of a place to do the work of farming economically helping some families. The provision of food is distributed in the dining rooms.
Area of action: Masaya
Year: 2013
Project title: XIX Party of the Diversity of the Hospitalet
Project summary: Celebration of the XIX Party of the Diversity, part of the initiative of the entities and ONG's of the city which they intend to sensitize to the citizenship in favor of the diversity. The goal of the project is to show the wealth of the cultures and of all the people, through the sensitization in favor of the diversity, communal life of cultures and against the racism and the xenophobia.
Area of action: Spain, L' Hospitalet of Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Answer to the humanitarian crisis in the camps of Sahrawi refugees of Tindouf
Project summary: Guaranteeing the daily minimum caloric contribution, through suitable foods, for the refugees of the Sahrawi camps.
Area of action: Algeria
Year: 2013
Project title: The recreational center without impulse borders of the educational leisure in Amèrica Llatina: The bows and educational proposals, through the quitxé language with children and youngsters in the Department of Totonicapán, strengthening Guatemala and backing up the Festival of the disability with children and youngsters of the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia
Project summary: This project intends to contribute to the improvement of the committed citizenship with Amèrica Llatina, through the development of actions and proposals ludic- educational that promote the rights of the childhood in Guatemala and Bolivia, from the improvement of the educational capacities with the children, youngsters and families like protagonists.
Area of action: Guatemala and Bolivia
Year: 2013
Project title: Union of the CE Joan XXIII of L 'Hosiptalet of Llobregat with the school Cantó Guarjila
Project summary: The goal for this course is to finish the works of construction of the latrines of childish and the purchase of computers for the classroom of computer science. Also finish to consolidate the school of football that started the course 2010-2011.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2013
Project title: School for the decent work in the Salvador
Project summary: The project consists of the equipment and habilitation of the "school of Formation for the Decent Work of El Salvador", which will pay attention to the formation of 300 young union and social leaders every year. It will offer programs of union formation in sequential way, contributing the instruments and necessary means to exercise the union task to its pupils.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2013
Project title: Escola Balmes-Bata
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2013
Project title: Capacity building project organizational of union movement in Guatemala to defend the rights and freedom of association and labor
Project summary: The present project aims to contribute to the defense and consolidation of democracy and the rule of law in Guatemala through the promotion and defense of the rights and freedom of association of workers in Guatemala, by strengthening and capacity building Movement Guatemalan indigenous and peasant union.
Area of action: Guatemala
Year: 2013
Project title: Eye of the Sahara 2013. Improved system for eye health care in refugee camps of Sahrawis (Tindouf)
Project summary: This project aims to respond to the needs and optical eye the Ophthalmology Service of the Ministry of Health of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) was detected in 2013. In order to ensure universal coverage and access to eye care and optical services must continue promoting the provision of equipment and medicines.
Area of action: Algeria
Year: 2013
Project title: L'Hospitalet look to Africa. We work to transform social injustices
Project summary: The project's goal is to promote critical global citizenship relations social inequalities and injustice that exist between North and South, experience focusing on Africa in general and in the Ivory Coast in particular, not forgetting inequality situations generated in our immediate environment.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Project SEED: Formation and work for the women of the slums of Bombay (India)
Project summary: The project will offer to the women who come of the slums the possibility to have a worthy work through its training or with the suitable advice to start its own entrepreneurial initiatives. This goal will be attained through a correct identification of you would benefit them and later with formation of courses and workshops.
Area of action: Bombai
Year: 2013
Project title: Human rights and social development in Equatorial Guinea: "New forms of citizenship. The children and the teenagers like active protagonists of its reality"
Project summary: This entity has planned three lines of performance, ideas to fall directly upon the object reality of the one that worries them about the several auditor agents, for itself: the children, and Guinean teenagers. This set of efforts, to, more of facilitating them the real approach to the Guinean citizenship, will allow them to try one senior visibility of the tasks of cooperation carried out by this entity.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2013
Project title: Access and sustainable exploitation of the hydric resources of 94 families farmers of Andhra Pradesh
Project summary: The project that they show intends to improve the living conditions of the dàlits families and other castes being deprived and being impoverished of Anantapur, groups of beneficiaries will be established officially, will choose its representatives and will organize for the execution of the different activities of the project as well as for the formality and assembly of the irrigation systems from drip.
Area of action: India
Year: 2013
Project title: For the Peace, say yours about the military expense!
Project summary: The project that it shows this entity, wants to sensitize the population to the military expense and to invite to the action to the educational community of L'Hospitalet, in order to facilitate the access to the information to the utmost, a pedagogic dossier will be elaborated about the Spanish military expense and it is also wanted to create an explanatory web page and a poster will be facilitated.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Home of reception for the girls in situation of risks and social exclusion in Occidental Baruipur in Bengala
Project summary: This performance pursues to reduce the vulnerability towards the abuse and the sexual and work exploitation and the promotion of the fundamental rights, through the provision of integral attention, protection, and surveillance to 39 girls in situation of social deprotection. The main goal him to offer to the girls the necessary resources to retrieve the childhood marked by the misery and the maltreatment giving the possibility to grow in an environment favorable to the social integration.
Area of action: India
Year: 2013
Project title: Literacy and education of women in the "house of the woman Sonia Bello"
Project summary: The project's goal is literacy and education of women in the "house of the woman Sonia Bello", is to overcome the lack of education and illiteracy of women in order to give chances to have a better life by learning reading and writing in order to expand their knowledge, and achieve work that may be productive.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2013
Project title: Support to the urbanistic recovery of the historical patrimony of Santa Tecla - El Salvador
Project summary: The project pursues the goal to increase the use of the public space for the citizenship for the development of activities ludic, cultural and of communal life. Because of that people will work following three lines of work: carrying out actions of conditioning of the urban furniture, exchange of experiences about the use of public spaces with ludic and cultural purposes and to design actions and to stimulate to the participation of the population.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2013
Project title: Consolidation of project health of communities belonging to the Parish of Saint Gaspar de Taulabé (Honduras)
Project summary: The action proposed by the project aims to improve health in the different communities that depend on the Parish of St. Gaspar de Taulabé, want to promote natural medicine to help people who have no resources or ability to access health facilities.
Area of action: Honduras
Year: 2013
Project title: School with nursery school in Bissau
Project summary: This project intends to give formation and to offer an educational basis it consolidates to the children of the neighborhood of Almedalai one of the poorest quarters of the city of Bissau to guarantee them a better future for them and its country. The goal is to offer them a new space adapted to form them and that serves as leisure to them at the same time to vent applying the learned knowledge.
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Year: 2013
Project title: L'Hospitalet with the Human Rights- Món Obert
Project summary: The project has how I objectify to introduce the solidary activities that are made in the city of L' Hospitalet, from the area of the civil company as well as from the public administrations, and to participate in the debat about the best tools and ideas to construct a global world more right and more solidary.
Area of action: Spain, L'hospitalet de Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Course "Els Juliols": Violence and resolution of conflicts in the in the contemporary world
Project summary: It is about a course of a week of duration at the University of summer of the UB, Els "Julios of the UB". The course consists of 30 hours and it is wanted to make in L' Hospitalet, to make a reflection on some contemporary international wars and the treatment of these conflicts from the international cooperation to resolve or to minimize its impact.
Area of action: Spain, L' Hospitalet of Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Construction of the fourth phase of the integral faculty of Chiquitana
Project summary: The performance searches to reinforce the educational system of the region of the Chiquitània, in the province of Santa Cruz. It wants to back up the superior education in coordination with the Autonomous University Gabriel Dark René and the Town Council of San Ignacio of Velasco. It will be made through conference of voluntary work and several acts of broadcast in the different media to continue introducing the faculty and the importance to continue being educated.
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2013
Project title: Project of broadcast of the CDN and the child participation of the children of Leogane, Haiti (art. 42 and 12 CDN) Phase III
Project summary: The goal of the project is to guarantee the rights of access to the culture and artistic expression, the education including the leisure and the recreation and the child participation, recognized in the Convention of the rights of the children and to spread its contents among the NNA, the families and the community. Is searched to sensitize and to promote these rights among the Haitian population and to promote these rights to the children who live in the centers of welcome.
Area of action: Haiti
Year: 2013
Project title: Waste of foods: a problem of the North that affects the South
Project summary: The project that is shown wants to incorporate the phenomenon of waste into the work and speech of sensitization and EpD, focusing on the waste of the foods since it is a fact that it is given to all the food chain, and not only in the final phase.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Strengthening of the Association of persons with disability "Struggling for a future"
Project summary: This project is sent to strengthen the Association of persons with disability "Struggling for a future", through the implementation of a process of training for the rights with an approach of gender and disability with the purpose that the women of this organization assume a protagonist and propositive role in the inland of its organization.
Area of action: Ecuador
Year: 2013
Project title: Analysis of the causes and the effects of the anticooperation about the Human Rights in the impoverishment of the people
Project summary: The purpose of this project is to propose another look in the relations between the North and the South, following the basis of the need to foster the sensitization among the population of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat about the existence of these actors and mechanisms that they affect in form negative in the integral development of the people of the South.
Area of action: Spain, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Year: 2013
Project title: Development of tools for the improvement of the living conditions in the neighborhood of "Maxaquenne A"
Project summary: The project has the goal to increase the capacities of the inhabitants of the neighborhood of informal fabric of "Maxaquenne A", of the defense of its rights in the Habitat, through the development of technical tools and of the empowering of the citizenship in its rights and duties, as well as in the evolutionary improvement of its services human basic.
Area of action: Mozambique, Maputo
Year: 2012
Project title: Agricultural self-sustainability of the women Xinka de Xalapan, Guatemala. Territorial Proposal
Project summary: This project wants to create the sustainable conditions from and for the native women Xinkes of six communities that live together in the montanya of Xalapám, construïnt and afiançant in a collective way the territorial proposal of revitalization of the alimentary identity would originate, as important element to face the current situation of cirisi would nourish and environmental that is lived in the mountain of Xalapán.
Area of action: Guatemala
Year: 2012
Project title: L'Hospitalet- Ulaanbaatar (Help to the children of Mongólia)
Project summary: The goal that pursues this project is to carry genetic material and expendable vehicle to school with children and young people of Ulaanbaatar. This project also aims to raise awareness of the situation to L'Hospitalet living and suffering children of Ulaanbaatar.
Area of action: Mongólia
Year: 2012
Project title: Creation of the Board and the civic Federation of entities in the municipality of Sussa
Project summary: The performance that proposes this entity is to elaborate a complete and exhaustive census of all the associative fabric of the municipality of Sussa, afterwards it will constitute a Board or a Civic Federation of entities of this municipality that he groups and he represents the entities taken a census of and it allows not only an interlocution and interaction more fluid with the administrations, but also it will allow to break the lack of connection and sinèrgies among all the entities of the town of Sussa.
Area of action: Tuníssia
Year: 2012
Project title: L'Hospitalet, the force of an organized civil company
Project summary: The goal that pursues this project is to put the capacity of coordination and of resonance of activities that show the muscle with regularity and the force of the participant entities in the "Consell de Cooperació" of L'Hospitalet in relay. So, the calendars will be analyzed in form individualized and also collective and two activities that are specially significant in order to achieve to move an image of unit, force, cohèrència and determination, from both reports in the magazine ONGC, will be chosen of the sector of the ONG of our city.
Area of action: Spain, The Hospitalet of
Year: 2012
Project title: Solidary Mile
Project summary: The goal of this project is to sensitize, through sport evidence, the reality that the children and girls with physical and psychic disabilities live at the schools of Mauritania. For the realization of this project he will be made, campaigns of broadcast in the schools, campaigns of broadcast among the members of the entity and a child party, through the delivery of numbers.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2012
Project title: Rehabilitation of the urinary services of the school of primary educacuó Talandaued Ben Ahmed (Chefchaouen)
Project summary: The project that shows this entity searches the goal to prioritize the education through the rehabilitation of the urinary services at schools, for this motive through this activity, they want to promote the presence of the children in the development of the company. It is wanted to favor the assistance to the classrooms with one equipment suitable of material as well as of locker room.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2012
Project title: It improves of the conditions of equality of gender and of juvenile participation for 40 youngsters of the commune of Tànger, Morocco
Project summary: This project attempts to promote the equality of gender in the Morocco through the strengthening of the paper of the education to foster the equality between men and women. Moreover, the project aims at developing the critical thought, through the dialog about the inequality of gender in the Moroccan company, that is through a formation to 40 youngsters (20 men and 20 women) it is intended to create consciousness about the equality and its practical application.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2012
Project title: They also have the right
Project summary: Through this project it is intended to assure the improvement of the control of the illness and therefore the quality of life of the children and girls affected of Cystic Fibrosis in Cuba, through the purchase of nutrition supplements, wants at the same time to give the Cuban doctors continuity to the sending of medication and to the activity of formation and sensitization.
Area of action: Cuba
Year: 2012
Project title: It improves of the health in the centers of special education of the camps of sahrauís refugees of Tinduf
Project summary: The project consists to promoting and improving the health in the centers of special education of the camps of refugees, improving the alimentary health, destined to improving the feeding in the centers to strengthen the development of children and girls and to guarantee one senior assistance. These centers receive children and youngsters with psicomotoras problems, deaf persons and blind in ages from 6 to 21 years. This alimentary improvement would be carried out with the contribution of foods for the daily breakfast of the pupils of the centers.
Year: 2012
Project title: Support to the development with identity of 5 towns of the department of the Cauca of population mostly
Project summary: The project is set in a strategy of municipal strengthening that was started with the creation of the ADEL on the part of the mayor's offices, the associations of native town councils, the associations of women and other entities of basis and the associations of producers. It is intended to improve the production and the economics, and to strengthen the participative development and in peace of the towns of Caldono, Corinto, Jambaló, Silvia, Toribio and Totoró.
Area of action: Colombia, Department of the Cauca
Year: 2012
Project title: Families of vulnerable communities of the District III of Managua resort to the recycling
Project summary: Families of vulnerable communities of the District III of Managua resort to the recycling like an opportunity for the development Persiguen the purpose that citizens and citizens of vulnerable communities of the district III of Managua, they acquire the necessary knowledge so that, through the recycling, they improve its living conditions, it is intended to enable and to promote initiatives of selfemployment among the beneficiary population.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2012
Project title: It improves of the basic education and reduction in the abandonment and school failure of the boys and girls of 10 schools of the province of Tànger
Project summary: The project that shows this entity, wants to work with the three main actors in the education of the children, pupils, parents and mothers and teachers. The proposal brings up some activities of follow-up, as well as the realization of a conference of cohesion and visualization of the results of the project with the beneficiaries for the project.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2012
Project title: L'H for the Human Rights
Project summary: The goal that pursues this long-term project is to increase the sensitization of the citizens of L'Hospitalet in favor of one senior implication against the fight of the poverty, and in the cooperation for the development of the countries or zones of the world more needed, like this like facilitating the knowledge of the tasks that are carried out from the town council of L'Hospitalet and facing I back up in the entities, in the Plan of International Cooperation.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 2012
Project title: Construction and development of the classroom of computer science of the schoolCaves-Bata
Project summary: This project is for the construction and started off of a classroom of computer science with a double purpose, on a part to provide to the pupils a place to develop the task of the new technologies and on the other hand, to open this classroom out of the school schedule in order to pioneer formation as adult with prepared staff and to attempt that the world occupational is less precarious.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2012
Project title: Improvements and equipment in community centers of Masaya
Project summary: Solidary project to back up the counterpart in Masaya, first with the construction of the Bufete Popular after the Earthquake that it affected to this community, so you try to answer, with the creation of productive work in order to get away from the poverty, currently present the construction of toilets.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2012
Project title: The recreational center "Sense Fronteres" impulse of the leisure in Amèrica Llatina: Bows and ludic proposals with children strengthening, youngsters
Project summary: This project intends to promote the integration and the normalization of the children and youngsters with disability in its families and in the community, within the framework of a ludic and educational activity how it is the preparation of a festival of dance and theater for the community, to visualize activities of leisure with normality, where the children and youngsters with disability will participate.
Area of action: Bolivia and Paraguay
Year: 2012
Project title: Human rights and social development in Equatorial Guinea: Children, girls and teenagers like active agents of the social change in Equatorial Guinea
Project summary: This entity in collaboration with vary counterparts and collaborator entities, it has decided to work about the rights of the children and teenagers. The children and girls are a vulnerable collective of the Guinean population. Therefore, this year the celebration of the IX edition of the seminar of Malabo and the III will be carried out of the Seminar of Bata under the title "Children, girls and teenagers like active agents of the social change in Equatorial Guinea" and workshops of formation with children, girls and teenagers in Malabo and Bata.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2012
Project title: Union C.E. Joan XXIII of L'hospitalet De Llobregat with C.E. Cantó Guarjilla
Project summary: The project that shows this entity is a solidary project of cooperation that it implies to all the educational community, through the realization of drainage works in the outer part of some classrooms and the endowment of furniture for the classrooms, the consolidation of the classroom of computer science, the pedagogic support and the sensitization to the educational community of the neighborhood of Bellvitge.
Area of action: Chalatenango - El Salvador
Year: 2012
Project title: Union training in the department of Rivas. Forming the present, construïnt the future
Project summary: The project that they show has as a central axis the impartició of union formation courses to 300 workers union leaders in this way it will favor the acquisition of critical and propositive capacities on the part of the participants, the strengthening of the union movement and it will stimulate the capacity of self-management and union incidence from ten towns of the department of Rivas, in the south of the country.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2012
Project title: Construction of peace and postconflict rehabilitation through the equity of gender and the empowering of the woman in ouaké and in the cities neighboring of Dabakala, Brobo, Diabo and Djébonua. Ivory Coast
Project summary: The project that shows this entity is linked to the bellicose confl icte burst during 2011, the reception of the women and the children and the need to continue orientating efforts to women and to sensitize the population true the empowering of the woman and the firm decision to make answer to the other cities, it is necessary.
Area of action: Coast of Ívori
Year: 2012
Project title: Strengthening of the service of juridical consultancy of the union CUT VALLEY (department of the Valley of the Cauca, Colombia)
Project summary: The project intends to improve and/or to strengthen the performances and the incidence political-sindical of the afi liats and unionists of the Valley CUT of the Cauca, searching the improvement in the living conditions and of trball of all workers and the workers and retrieving the foundational principles of the CUT and the associative union fabric of the region.
Area of action: Colombia
Year: 2012
Project title: It improves of the situation of 70 women and 4 men through the construction of worthy houses
Project summary: The project foresees to improve the situation of 70 women and 4 men, of deprived castes, who suffer a strong exclusion, through the construction of a worthy home. This will have effects positively on the health, in its social consideration and it will guarantee the right to the preservation of the physical integrity of these 74 persons and its families.
Area of action: India
Year: 2012
Project title: Haiti: Space for the protection of the vulnerable childhood. Phase II.Development
Project summary: The goal that pursues this project is to guarantee the rights to the education, access to the culture, spread of child participation recognized in the Convention of the Rights of the Children, to the minors accommodated in the Center of Temporary Welcome The Sueño de la Infancia and to the minors of the community of Vient Kout, every this under the approach of the rights and the development.
Area of action: Haiti
Year: 2012
Project title: Literacy and global formation for the home of the "Mujer de Sonia Bello", of Ribas
Project summary: The objective of this project is to develop processes that promote personal growth and broad participation of women in representative actions for their own growth. We have implemented the enactment of laws that protect them against violence with support for battered women.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2012
Project title: Enlargement of the project of health of the communities that belong to the parish of Sant Gaspar de Taulabé (Honduras)
Project summary: The project intends to promote the health in the different communities that depend on the Parish of San Gaspar of Taulabé, they want to promote the natural medicine for being able to help the persons who do not have resources nor possibilities to access to the centers of health.
Area of action: Honduras
Year: 2012
Project title: Facilitating the school Cristal the arrival of the electricity
Project summary: A new school Cristal is being constructed in a terrain of the estate of the foundation. It is necessary to make the light until the new facilities arrive, since without light people can not work in the first phase of construction of the school.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2012
Project title: Classroom of computer science in Bafata
Project summary: In this, like in other projects related with the education, it is intended to offer the new pupils means and ways of knowledge, in this case through the new technologies. The developing countries have few knowledge about these technologies but even so to be receiving them and to be using. With this project, it is intended to offer a space adapted to form them and that serves as leisure at the same time to vent applying the learned knowledge.
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Year: 2012
Project title: Món Obert - The Hospitalet
Project summary: Món Obert is an audiovisual program that utiitzar wants the tools of the media to introduce the activities that are made in the city of the L'Hospitalet, from the area of the civil company as well as from the public administrations, and to participate in the debate about the best tools and ideas to construct a global world more exactly and more solidary and balanced socially and economic.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2012
Project title: Quina cooperació en temps de crisi? Teoria i pràctica del desenvolupament a Amèrica Llatina
Project summary: Aquest projecte, tracta d’un curs d’una setmana de duració a la Universitat d’estiu de la Universitat de Barcelona: Els Juliols de la UB. El curs consta de 30 hores i es farà a L’Hospitalet, pretén reflexionar sobre el paper de la cooperació en el moment actual de crisi del model de desenvolupament. La metodologia consisteix en que els alumnes inscrits assiteixin i participin a les classes de dues hores de duració cadascuna, tant teòriques com pràctiques. Al final es farà una taula rodona amb agents importants del món de la cooperació per donar resposta a la pregunta inicial del curs, títol del projecte.
Area of action: Espanya, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Year: 2012
Project title: Construction of the third phase of the Integral faculty Chiquitana
Project summary: The performance that shows this entity searches to reinforce the educational system of the Chiquitana, in the province of Santa Cruz. Precisely it is wanted to back up the superior education in coordination with the Autonomous University Gabriel René and the Town Council of San Ignacio of Velasco. The construction of the Faculty starts from the idea about being a teaching institution and investigator, engine of the development of the company. An equipment of these characteristics converts mind into an ele- balancing of the territory, avoiding the massive emigration towards the big assets of the country.
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2012
Project title: Equipment of material and locker room for the children of the school of primary education Talandaoued in Beni Ahmed
Project summary: Plan of school equipment 2011 at the school of primary education of Talandaoued in Beni Ahmed.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2011
Project title: It improves of the living conditions and it defends andina of Cotacachi through the strengthening of the intercultural practices in health and of the bilingual intercultural education of the identity of the population
Project summary: Improving the living conditions and strengthening the cultural identity of the andina population of Cotacachi.
Area of action: Ecuador
Year: 2011
Project title: Human rights and social development in Equatorial Guinea
Project summary: Promoting the human and social development and the construction of a state democratic and of right to Equatorial Guinea.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2011
Project title: Fraternity C.E. Joan XXIII of L'Hospitalet
Project summary: Promotion of the human rights and the culture of peace.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2011
Project title: Creation of the radial broadcasting station "The Popular voice". Construction of capacities from a strategy of social communication for the union movement and popular Guatemalan and the construction of the citizenship
Project summary: Strengthening the capacities of the Guatemalan working population through the popular education and communication social.
Area of action: Guatemala
Year: 2011
Project title: Construction of peace and development through a sanitary assistance, formation and empowering that watch over the equity of gender
Project summary: Contributing to favoring the peace process and postbellicose reconstruction in the Ivory Coast through the active participation of the women.
Area of action: Ivory Coast
Year: 2011
Project title: Support to the internal sociopolitical debate and to the practices of collective recruitment for branch, of the union federations of the public sector
Project summary: Promoting the process of unification of the movement of the public workers in the action of the ones same, in the defense of the human and work rights of the workers of the state of Paraguay.
Area of action: Paraguay
Year: 2011
Project title: Special and psychological education to children and girls with more visible disabilities and/or with sexual abuse at school of Cristal 2011
Project summary: Giving answer to the school needs and to psychological attention to the pupils of the the Cristal school.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2011
Project title: Emergency in Haiti. Space from the protection of the vulnerable childhood
Project summary: Garantitzar the development of the children and girls as he settles in the Convention of the rights of the children.
Area of action: Haiti
Year: 2011
Project title: Juridical literacy and feminist formation for the home of women "Sonia Bello", of Rivas
Project summary: Arriving that the women know its rights and know more proteges with the knowledge of the laws that protect them, mainly against the violence and they protect also its sons and daughters.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2011
Project title: Construction of a center of attention to the big people in San Jose of Chiquitos
Project summary: Reducing the depopulation that the rural zones of the region of Chiquitos in Bolivia because of the lack of resources suffer.
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2011
Project title: Constructing the community feminism from the diverse and popular women of Cotacachi
Project summary: Contributing to the endogenous participation of weary organizations of women in the political life of the Side Cotacachi.
Area of action: Ecuador
Year: 2011
Project title: Commemoration of XXX anniversary of the life, fight, resistance and contributions of the CUC to the guatemalan society
Project summary: Divulging of the fights, demands and goals achieved by the CUC in the poorest population of Guatemala.
Area of action: Guatemala
Year: 2010
Project title: Support to the educational system in the camps of saharan refugees ofTinduf
Project summary: Contributing to the development of the human potential of the most vulnerable collectives, in the educational area of the camps of saharan refugees.
Area of action: Algeria
Year: 2010
Project title: Construction and starting of a school-workshop of women and home-made young people Comú III- Bamako
Project summary: Contributing to the strengthening and maintenance of a social community structure through the implantation of nets of education and formation. Promoting and to generate admissions in the Commune III of Bamako, one of the poorest of the asset of the country.
Area of action: Mali
Year: 2010
Project title: Special and psychological education to children and girls with more visible disabilities and/or with sexual abuse at the Cristal school 2010
Project summary: Reinforcing the multiple ones needed of special education and sexual abuse that there is at Cristal School.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2010
Project title: Collaborating in the project of health of the Parish of Sant Gaspar of the Taulabé
Project summary: The shown project intends to improve the Honduran conditions of health and of hygiene of fifty families country. To achieve this goal they propose to themselves to construct fifty ecological latrines and request the funding for the material, since the mine of work they will put it the families you would benefit.
Area of action: Honduras
Local Entity: Parròquia de Sant Gaspar
Year: 2010
Project title: Collaborating in the project of health of the parish of San Gaspar of Taulabé
Project summary: To lean in the country communities so that they can increase its standard of living and health, getting the formation and elaboration of alternative medicines to its reach, the prevention of illnesses and the hygiene in general.
Area of action: Honduras
Year: 2010
Project title: Community library / children's playground
Project summary: Offering a space of game, reading and meeting point of the community, where especially activities of educational, creative character, socializing, and integrator will be made, that it gives continuity to the tasks that the children and the youngsters work in the school and that it will give them models of social behavior, of communal life and respect towards the persons and the "things".
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Year: 2010
Project title: Construction of a geriàtric pavilion in San Jose of Chiquitos
Project summary: Reducing the depopulation that the rural zones of the region of Chiquitos in Bolivia because of the lack of resources suffer.
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2010
Project title: Solidary compucenters: Guayaquil digital city
Project summary: Facilitating and to contribute the formation, to the computer terrain, of sectors of the population of limited economic means or with risk of social exclusion.
Area of action: Ecuador
Year: 2010
Project title: Strengthening of the Craft Association Víctor Emilio of TierrasColorada
Project summary: Improving the possibilities of work insertion of the inhabitants of Red Earth through craft training.
Area of action: Ecuador
Year: 2009
Project title: Donation of individual chairs for the mixed school #31 of the precinct of Salamina, Cantón Balzar
Project summary: Improving the conditions in which the pupils receive the education of the school.
Area of action: Ecuador
Year: 2009
Project title: Solidary caravan in West Africa 2009
Project summary: Transporting diverse material of humanitarian help to several associations, dispensaries, schools, hospitals and transport of material for the projects of development, which the counterparts are, of wave catalans that work in those zones and that know the lacks and needs of the population.
Area of action: Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal and
Year: 2009
Project title: Construction and starting of a preschool center in the south this of Morocco
Project summary: To improve the preschool education in the rural world.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2009
Project title: They also have the right
Project summary: Working as cystic fibrosis and its families, struggling at the same time against the causes of this illness, for the improvement of the quality of life of the affected ones.
Area of action: Cuba
Year: 2009
Project title: Holidays in peace for Sahrauis children. Summer 2009
Project summary: The directed solidary holidays to the sahraui children and to the catalan families that they accommodate and live with it, it is a project of long trajectory in the city.
Area of action: Spain, L' Hospitalet
Year: 2009
Project title: Holidays in peace for Sahrauis children. Summer 2009
Project summary: The directed solidary holidays to the sahraui children and to the catalan families that they accommodate and live with it, it is a project of long trajectory in the city.
Area of action: Spain, L' Hospitalet
Year: 2009
Project title: Construction of the University of Chiquitana in Bolivia and sensitization in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Project summary: The project proposes to continue with the 6th phase of construction of the building of the University of Chiquitana, to improve the educational capacities of the Bolivian student population, to improve its opportunities and to reduce the social inequalities.
Area of action: Bolivia
Local Entity: Mayor's Office, Municipality of Velasco
Year: 2009
Project title: Enlargement of the sanitary center of Sotuba (District II Bamako)
Project summary: Improving the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the inhabitants of Sotuba (District II of Bamako) through the enlargement of the sanitary center already existing in the zone.
Area of action: Senegal
Year: 2009
Project title: Construction of youth training center "Casa Populorum Progressio 2009-2010"
Project summary: Contributing to the development of the native rural communities of the Honduran departments of Copán, Santa Bàrbara, Lempira and La Paz.
Area of action: Honduras
Year: 2009
Project title: Construction of an educational center in Bata
Project summary: Constructing and putting an educational center in functioning in the outskirts of Bata.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2009
Project title: Education of children and girls of 6 to 15 years in Tanseiga
Project summary: Improving the infrastructures of the center so that the pupils can continue attending the school classrooms.
Area of action: Burkina Faso
Year: 2009
Project title: Enlargement of the center of assistance to sick of SIDA of the hospitable complex of Bathalapalli, Anantapur, Andhra, India, Pradesh
Project summary: Providing a suitable and specific sanitary attention to the dàlits communities and the population more deprived from the district of Anantapur in the cases of HIV/SIDA.
Area of action: India
Year: 2009
Project title: Impulse of the net of recreational centers in Amèrica Llatina
Project summary: The increase of the educational capacities at the different levels of age and type, understanding the world of the leisure like an educational space.
Area of action: Latin America
Year: 2009
Project title: Human rights and social development in Equatorial Guinea
Project summary: Promoting the human and social development.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2009
Project title: Fraternity C.E. Joan XXIII (L'Hospitalet) C.E. Canton Guarjila
Project summary: They are always the benefits of the fraternity in both directions and in both realities. The proposal of this year contemplates support in the teaching staff, improvements in the school infrastructures, support in the utilization of tics and the component of sensitization to the school and to the educational community.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2009
Project title: Support to the process of unit of the Interunion Table of the public sector of Paraguay
Project summary: Fortalecer the actions of the interunion table of the public sector you plow of sustaining the process of unification that this experience is promoting in the movement of the workers and workers public and achieving a better action like this of the same one in defence of the human rights and occupational of the workers and workers of the public sector of Paraguay.
Area of action: Paraguay
Year: 2009
Project title: El centro recreativo sin fronteras. Impulso de la Red de centrosrecreativos en la América Latina
Project summary: El proyecto presentado propone promocionar la educación en el ocio de niños y jóvenes de cuatro países de América del Sur. La experiencia y tradición en este tipo de trabajo en Cataluña, y en especial, de la Fundación Catalana del Centro Recreativo permite poder compartir y asesorar en esta materia a instituciones latinoamericanas dedicadas a trabajar con niños y jóvenes en el ocio.
Area of action: Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay y España
Year: 2009
Project title: Special education and psychological support to children and girls with more visible disabilities and who suffer sexual abuse of the school Cristal
Project summary: Giving answer to the school needs and to psychological attention to the pupils of the the "Cristal" school.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2009
Project title: To consolidate the work of literacy and to continue with the juridical literacy and feminist formation for the home of the woman "Sonia Bello" of Rivas
Project summary: Achieving that the women can make each law in practical forced advancing like this with the empowering of the women the exercise of denouncer citizenship.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2009
Project title: Solidary Action in Shabunda
Project summary: The shown project has as a general goal to carry out an immediate action on the subject of humanitarian help in the benefit of the located refugee camps to the voltants of Shabunda. In a first mission they will be sent and they will give foods, sanitary equipment and products of first need. He will also take advantage to make one diagnosis "in situ" of the situation of the refugee camp, in order to improve future actions in him. One another important goal of the project him that of denouncing the situation that at present the Democratic Republic of Congo through directed actions of sensitization in the Catalan population.
Area of action: Democratic Republic of Congo
Year: 2009
Project title: Creation of a classroom workshop of seam
Project summary: To form professionally young people for offering them a work exit.
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Year: 2009
Project title: Empowering of women and children with risk of social exclusion, from the marginal neighborhoods of Chefchaouen
Project summary: Improving the socioeconomic living conditions of the deprived women and of the children in difficult situation through the actions of protection and of promotion of the women's rights and of the children.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2009
Project title: Formation and education of nomadic populations of Àsia Central 2009-2010
Project summary: The project wants to contribute to the improvement in the education, health, environment and generation of admissions of the nomadic and seminomadic Tibetan rural populations.
Area of action: Central Asia
Year: 2009
Project title: Construction of the University of Chiquitana in Bolivia and local sensitization in The Hospitalet
Project summary: Increasing the human potential of the rural zones.
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2009
Project title: Improving the conditions of education of the children and young people of theTalandaoued
Project summary: Increasing the feminine schooling and conceding opportunities of access to the new technology to the education.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2008
Project title: Solidary caravan of Àfrica Occidental 2008
Project summary: Campaign of sensitization towards the citizenship to introduce the reality of this countries and to achieve its help through collections of material; especially sensitization at the schools to fall upon the subject of the interculturalitat and the tolerance.
Area of action: Morocco ,Mauritània, Senegal and
Year: 2008
Project title: Improving conditions drinking water supply of the population of Duar lyassinene, Rural Community Farkhana province of Nador, the Rif region
Project summary: Rehabilitation of a public fountain for 1.800 persons and construction of a canopy to protect the users of the sun and of the rain.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2008
Project title: Pilot project of urban services improvement in the neighborhood of Maxaquene "to" of the city of Maputo
Project summary: Increasing the capacities of the inhabitants of informal fabric neighborhood of Maxaquene "to" consolidating a process of evolutionary improvement of the basic urban services.
Area of action: Mozambique
Year: 2008
Project title: Increase of the factors of incidence to the Palestinian women in the economic and political life to the Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon, Jordan and Palestina
Project summary: Increasing the capacity of autonomy of the women, and its incidence in the Palestinian company, Jordan and Lebanese.
Area of action: Palestinian, Lebanon and Jordan
Year: 2008
Project title: Funding of the material of the school of primary of Diffa
Project summary: Generalized and free education to struggle against the Noma through the creation of a child school and its maintenance.
Area of action: Nigeria
Year: 2008
Project title: Solidary campaign in Àfrica Occidental
Project summary: Transport of the material picked up to humanitarian help .
Area of action: Morocco, Mauritania and Senegal
Year: 2008
Project title: Projecte OKUMEAZ in Bata
Project summary: Facilitating all children in school age the education
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2008
Project title: Improvements and equipment in community centers of Masaya
Project summary: Improving the equipment of the center of child development "Gaspar García Laviana", that of the collective "of Artesanía Sacuajoche", that of the office CEBs/Equip of services of the popular buffet "Boris irrigated region" for which they can contribute in the improvement of the conditions of certainty, health and welfare of the persons and in the quality of the activities.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2008
Project title: Community strengthening of the population moved to Colombia from an approach of gender
Project summary: Strengthening the protection and the smugness of the population moved to Colombia.
Area of action: Colombia
Year: 2008
Project title: Center of welcome for persons of 3rd age - Porongo
Project summary: Construction of a reception center to seniors in order to elevate its self-esteem, in the town of Porongo, give the old persons temporary attention and facilitate the users ,incentivar places of encounter for the leisure and also of orientation them in other towns to create similar centers. And elevating the life expectancy of the big inhabitants of Porongo.
Area of action: Cuba
Year: 2008
Project title: Fraternity C.E. Joan XXIII (L'Hospitalet) C.E. Canton Guarjila
Project summary: Fostering the peace and the cooperation through the education and promoting the development and the cooperation with the countries of the south.
Area of action: El Salvador
Year: 2008
Project title: Collaborating in the project of health of the parish of San Gaspar deTaulabé
Project summary: I back up the country communities so that they can increase the standard of living and of health getting the formation and elaboration of the alternative medicines.
Area of action: Honduras
Year: 2008
Project title: School canteen
Project summary: Creation of a school canteen in the population of Gambasse that will serve as nutritional pilot center for the children of the zone.
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Year: 2008
Project title: Dinamització of the local development and the native culture. Construction of the University Indígena Chiquitana
Project summary: Increasing the human potential of rural zones of the region of the Chiquitanía
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2008
Project title: Practice occupational to improve the productive and commercial capacity
Project summary: Formation of the students in the technical, industrial and commercial aspect, in order to improve the industry and the trade of the country
Area of action: Ecuador
Year: 2008
Project title: Empowering and consolidation of the group of women of the rural community El Rosal for the production and commercialization of products of aloe vera
Project summary: Consolidating the manufacture of derivative products of the aloe vera like a sustainable productive alternative of the group of Craft Association women Femenina El Rosal.
Area of action: Ecuador
Year: 2008
Project title: To collaborate in the construction of 1.000 latrines in the country communities that belong to the parish of San Gaspar of Taulabé
Project summary: Giving support to the country communities so that they can increase the standard of living that they have with some basic services from the health and the hygiene in general.
Area of action: Honduras
Year: 2007
Project title: Improving the conditions of education of the children and youngsters of Talandaoued
Project summary: Giving support to the education to the rural people of Talandaoued.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2007
Project title: Project of performance in Chauen
Project summary: Covering several lacks as hospitable as scholar.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2007
Project title: It improves stockbreeders of the capacities in the bovine sector of the population of the Alenda, delegation of Gafsa Sud
Project summary: Improving the socioeconomic situation and the productive training of 15 families beneficiaries.
Area of action: Tunis
Year: 2007
Project title: For a Nicaragua free of illiteracy
Project summary: Alphabetizing and preparing the people of Nicaragua.
Area of action: Nicaragua
Year: 2007
Project title: Support to the educational system in the camps of sahrawis refugees deTinduf
Project summary: Improving the formacio of the population of the camps of refugees sahrawis.
Area of action: Algeria
Year: 2007
Project title: Project of construction of a well of water in Tchassa Kandilla
Project summary: Preventing the appearance of the noma and other pathologies related with the lack of access to the potable water.
Area of action: Nigeria
Year: 2007
Project title: Strengthening of the center of documentation and pedagogic information in the town of Holguin
Project summary: Strengthening the services of scientific and technical information that is offered to the workers and students of pedagogic sciences of the town of Holguin.
Area of action: Cuba
Year: 2007
Project title: Project of school reinforcement for pupils of primary, education in the leisure and dinamització of schools
Project summary: Contributing to the universal access to the education, reducing the premature school abandonment of pupil if improving the quality of the basic formation.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2007
Project title: Project of construction of an educational center in Bata
Project summary: Constructing an educational center in Bata in order to improvement the school conditions of the children and girls of Bata.
Area of action: Equatorial Guinea
Year: 2007
Project title: Humanitarian help to the east of Chad: access to the potable water for the refugees and the communities of reception
Project summary: Identification of new fountains of water, perforation and construction of new systems of water, repair and rehabilitation of the systems already existing, it transports water in tankers, chlorination and quality assurances of the water, to establish committees of formality and to enable about the formality of the water and promotion of hygiene.
Area of action: East of Chad
Year: 2007
Project title: Social integration of refugees and asylum seekers refugees in Ecuador
Project summary: Improving the health of the refugees.
Area of action: Ecuador
Year: 2007
Project title: Creation of the Union Net of Cooperatives of the North of Morocco
Project summary: Contributing to the awareness of the moroccan woman about its social and work rights as well as to its integration into the job market through the access in the social economics.
Area of action:
Local Entity: Morocco
Year: 2007
Project title: Integral plan of feasibility of the hospital "Catalunya" of Bouaké- enlargement of the structures of prevention and sensitization of the program of SIDA
Project summary: Contributing to the improvement of the health of the population with the prevention of the mother- son transmission of the HIV and in the regions of the north and center.
Area of action: Ivory Coast
Year: 2007
Project title: Improving working conditions of the workers of the residence "Los Girasoles" in the town "Centro Habana"
Project summary: Contributing to the improvement at least of 75% of the work conditions of the workers.
Area of action: Center Havana
Year: 2007
Project title: Eyes of Bolivia 2007
Project summary: Improving the ocular health of the population with scarce economic resources.
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2007
Project title: Project for access to decent housing for 38 families dalits of the people of Chilamkur, Area of Narpala, region B.K, for the access to a worthy house for 38 families. Samudran
Project summary: Promoting the social empowering of the dàlits and of the sectors being deprived more of the population of the district of Anantapur.
Year: 2007
Project title: Eco-turístic project of development in Mexico
Project summary: Keeping the patrimony cultural and natural.
Area of action: Mexico
Year: 2007
Project title: Project of transformation of the solar energy at electrical energy
Project summary: Improving the conditions of the sanitary and educational centers and using these centers for making social activities.
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Year: 2007
Project title: Project of education, formation and health of the nomadic populations of Àsia Central 2007-2008
Project summary: Improving the living conditions of the nomadic populations.
Area of action: Tibet and Valls de Chitral of the Àsia Central
Year: 2007
Project title: Education program development, expansion of the nursery Laperal Teresa Gonzalez
Project summary: Program of education to the development through the endowment of infrastructures.
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2007
Project title: Formation and work practice
Project summary: Improving the development of the country.
Area of action: Ecuador
Year: 2007
Project title: Project integration and professional self-assertion of personal disabilities in their community. Education and training in cooperative impulse among disabled Chefchaouen
Project summary: Contributing to the formation and professional and social integration of the disabled ones and of the disabled ones. Improving its living conditions.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2006
Project title: Improving the conditions of education of the children and young people of Talandaoued
Project summary: Improving the conditions of schooling of the children, achieving its school continuity, avoiding the premature work insertion and achieving the decrease of the percentage of illiteracy of the population.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2006
Project title: Improving the situation of the woman in the province of Al Hoceima
Project summary: Support in the center of women of Al Hoceima.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2006
Project title: 2nd phase educational center and recreational center in Tànger
Project summary: Achieving the active participation of the youth of Tànger in the activities and courses of education in the leisure, courses of occupational and linguistic formation and to foster the associationism and voluntary workers.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2006
Project title: Project of collaboration of the town council of L'Hospitalet with the schools Moroccans of the region of Chauen
Project summary: Improving the conditions of study of the pupils of the schools of primary and secondary of the region of Chauen.
Area of action: Morocco
Year: 2006
Project title: Second phase of construction of two sport clues at the school of "Santa Teresa de Jesús"
Project summary: Promoting the integral formation of the children and deprived teenagers of the Colònia Nueva Capital
Area of action: Honduras
Year: 2006
Project title: Reinstatement of Afghan refugees, construction of houses
Project summary: Facilitating the voluntary return of the Afghan population from Afghanistan, Iran and other countries, controlling the situation and backing up its refund during the initial period of return. Finding long-lasting solutions through the voluntary repatriation.
Area of action: Afghanistan
Year: 2006
Project title: Eyes of Bolivia 2006
Project summary: Contributing to the improvement of the ophthalmologic health of the bolivian population in situation of poverty in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sports, municipal institutions and local organizations.
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2006
Project title: Development echo- touristic in Mexico
Project summary: Keeping the patrimony cultural and natural from the support to the self-management of the local initiative.
Area of action: Mexico
Year: 2006
Project title: Creation of a nursery school in Príam
Project summary: Achieving that all children and girls of the village have an educational center to pioneer the activities and school habits to improve the educational development.
Area of action: Guinea-Bissau
Year: 2006
Project title: Construction of two classrooms of computer science and workshops of white coffee at the school San Miguel Arcàngel
Project summary: Construction of two classrooms of computer science and workshop to reinforce the primary educational system of the region where there are lacks.
Area of action: Bolivia
Year: 2006
Fundació Josep Comaposada - Sindicalistes solidaris
Project title: Filet d'agents pour le travail digne à San Salvador
Project summary: Un projet du département de San Salvador à Salvador avec pour objectif de créer un réseau d’agents pour le travail digne. Il s’agit d’un projet d’une durée de 4 ans qui s’adresse aux ouvriers et aux ouvriers des secteurs public et privé, en particulier des secteurs les plus vulnérables de la classe ouvrière, travaillant pour le compte et aux ouvriers des maquiles
Area of action: Le Salvador
Local Entity: 13.000,00 €
Year: 1900
Associació Catalana de Solidaritat i Cooperació Internacional pel Desenvolupament,
Al Karia ONGD Catalana
Project title: Construction and starting of an agricultural cooperative in Bonconto (Segunda Fase)
Project summary: The main characteristic of the project is to endow the existing agricultural cooperative of a net with irrigation in the rural commune of Holda, Senegal. Bonconto he lives mainly on the first sector, the agriculture little by little keeps on losing competitiveness for the lack of agricultural equipment and/or lacks new productive initiatives, with this project it is wanted to start off an agricultural cooperative Diang Diang, Kawral selfmanaged by the association of women.
Area of action: Senegal
Year: 1900
Fundació Privada Catalana Akwaba
Project title: #undo the inequalities: creative learning for a global citizenship- 1st phase
Project summary: The purpose of the program # we undo the inequalities it is to generate an active citizenship with respect to the defense of the Human Rights and the human and sustainable development. The strategies of the program focus on directed theoretical and practical formative actions in the youth from 10 to 18 years of formative education centers of different districts of the city of L'Hospitalet.
Area of action: Spain
Year: 1900
Fundació Privada Pau i Solidaritat
Project title: Promotion of the strengthening of the role of the women in the union and social movement of Guatemala
Project summary: The project wants to contribute to the protection and defense of the DDHH of the women in Guatemala through the union movement and the strengthening of the role of the women in the union and social movement of the MSICG of Guatemala.
Area of action: Guatemala
Year: 1900
Xarxa de Consum Solidari
Project title: Improvement of the living conditions of the home-made women of the city of Kolda, Senegal
Project summary: The project will develop for 7 months to the collectivity local of Kolda, he intends to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions and of the rights of the women of the region through the establishment of an economic environment favorable to the equity of gender and to the empowering of 99 disabled women with criteria of sostenibilitat. It is wanted to increase the economic admissions of the women through the formative improvement of the school- company in seam, hairdresser's and craftsmanship.
Area of action: Senegal
Year: 1900