In this section finds the administrative documentation and/or forms in relation to the Program of Cooperation and Solidarity.
General or prompt Grant for the year 2022 in the area of the Cooperation
Bases and call:
Bases and call
Request amount:
The amount of the call fixes in 257.823,00 €.
Request of the grant
Description request:
Requests of grants for civic entities who carry out projects of the area of cooperation to the development, of education and sensitization for the development and of humanitarian help, for economic exercise 2022.
1. General grants: for the global funding of the activity of the
entity 2. Prompt grants: for the funding of an activity or concrete project.
A prompt grant will not be able to be requested for an activity that is already included in the project for which a general grant is asked for.
Who can ask for it?
The physical or juridical persons who develop programs, projects or activities in accordance with the requirements that settle in the particular bases of the call will be able to be beneficiaries for these grants.
The physical or juridical or private groups of public persons, the communities of goods or any other type of economic community or separate patrimony that, even if it does not have juridical personality, activities or subvencionables projects display, can also have this condition whenever they accredit to have a number of fiscal identification.
Finishes presentation:
The deadline of presentation of the requests him from the 28 of March in the 26 April , both included.
What happens after?:
The provisional proposal of the procedure will be notified to the persons concerned.
The grants will be able to deny the budgetary credit to themselves for noncompliance of the requirements established in the bases or for having run out.
Time of answer:
The maximum deadline for the resolution definite will be of three months, to explain since the following day to the presentation of the request and the same day (in numeral) equivalent to the date of presentation will finish.
Effect of the administrative silence:
Once the legal deadline has gone by without the town council having notified any resolution, the request will be understood rejected.
Applicable Normative :
- The Law 38/2003, of 17 November, general of grants
- The Real decree 887/2006, of 21 July, by which approves itself its regulations of development
- The general ordinance regulatory of the concession of grants of the Town Council of The Hospitalet (BOPB 10/02/2005)
- The bases of execution of the general budget for the exercise of the year in which the
grant has been requested - The legislation of applicable administrative procedure with supletori character
Organ of resolution:
Lieutenant of Mayoress or Town Councilor/to of the
- For each activity or project for which it is wanted to request the concession of a grant it will be necessary to show a request.The criteria of appraisal, as well as all the relative information with this call, you will be able to consult it in the call and bases of the grant in the area of Cooperation in the section of
Can Quien ask for it?:
The physical or juridical persons in that one who has granted himself this grant
Termine presentation:
From the finishing of the project until the 15 of February of 2022
Qué passes afterwards:
Once the fulfillment of the conditions and of the goals that the expenses are gauged to the act of concession of the grant and accredited checked out, the competent organ will issue a resolution that will be notified to the interested persons in accordance with the one that establishes the article 41 of the Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of Procedure Administrative Majority of the Public Administrations.
Time of answer:
The time of answer it will be from a maximum in 3 months from the date of the record of the initial request of grant.
Effect of the administrative silence:
Once the legal deadline has gone by without the town council having notified any resolution, the request will be understood rejected.
Applicable Normative :
In all what the bases that regulate the awarding of grants for the exercise in course do not foresee expressly, they are from application:
- The Law 38/2003, of 17 November, general of grants.
- The Real decree 887/2006, of 21 July, by which its regulations of development are approved of.
- The general ordinance regulatory of the concession of grants of the Town Council of The Hospitalet (BOPB 10/02/2005).
- The bases of execution of the general budget for the exercise of the year in which the grant has been requested.
- The legislation of applicable administrative procedure with supletori character.
If you have any doubt you can contact amb:Programa of cooperation
Telephone: 93 402 99 84 Organ of resolució:Tinent of mayoress or Town Councilor/to of the area
Printed associated
Model 4.1 Technical general Forrmulari grant justification
Activities memory
In addition, audit report only in the cases that mark the bases of the announcement
In the section of additional documentation it will be necessary to bring also for:
1. Grants for amount inferior to 60.000 € , all the files of bills and other evidential documents of the expenses, as well as the corresponding vouchers of its payment and the documentation crediting of the broadcast of the project subsidized (serials, díptics,etc.), duly identified with a brief description of its contents.
2. Grants for amount equal or superior to 60.000 €, documentation crediting of the broadcast of the project subsidized (serials, díptics,etc.), duly identified with a brief description of its contents.
Only the physical persons you would benefit of the grant they can bring the documentation presencialment.
Modalities of grants :
General grants: when they have for purpose to concede economic help for the global funding of the activity of the entity.
One-off grants: when they have for purpose to concede economic help for the funding of an activity or concrete project..
A prompt grant will not be able to be requested for an activity that is already included in the project for which a general grant is asked for.
The deadline of requests presentation in the area of cooperation it is from May of 2021 , both included, since the day 19 of April until the 14th
That one WHO CAN ASK for
THEMThe physical or juridical persons who develop programs, projects or activities in accordance with the requirements that settle in the particular bases of the call will be able to be beneficiaries for these grants.
The physical or juridical, public or private groups of persons, the communities of goods or any other type can also have this condition of economic community or separate patrimony that, even if it does not have juridical personality, activities or subvencionables projects develop, always and when they accredit to have a number of fiscal identification.
Online or in person
To transact for internet you have to have a system of identification accepted by the service VÀLid.
Necessary documentation:
Form of grant request in the area of Cooperation 2021
Economic form project 2021 Cooperation Model 2.2
Form project technician 2021 Cooperation Model 2.1
All requests of grant will go accompanied of the following documentation:
In the case of juridical persons or entities without juridical personality, it photocopies of the NIF of the applicant entity..
Documentation crediting of the capacity of representation of the entity on the part of its representative..
Certificate of nomination of the organ of government of the applicant entity according to its statutes, in which the persons who shape it at present are evident related, indicating charge, nominates, surname and DNI..
Summary of the economic exercise of the year 2020, where the received grant consists of the Town Council of The Hospitalet and/or of other public administrations. .
Request of transfer order normalized for entities of new creation, or for those that have changed the number of the current account or have not brought it before to the Town Council of the Hospitalet.. To transact for internet you have to have a system of identification accepted by the service VÀLid.
1. Make click about the button Transact.
2. Identify with any of the systems accepted by the service VÀLid
3. Fill in the form that will open up.
4. Attach the archives or files of the documentation necessary for the formality, if it is necessary.
5. Click to send. In this moment you will be signing the request to present the formality to the electronic record of the ajuntamentFinalitzat it you will receive an electronic mail with the receipt of its presentation.
Finished the formality you will receive an electronic mail with the receipt of its presentation.
Note: Consult this help to check out that the configuration of the one that the configuration of your equipment is compatible with the technical requirements of the application.