Once again the Final Gala is presented to show the stories made in the cooperative film audiovisual workshops "EngLHoba't", an activity programmed in the context of the training intervention of the GlobaL'H (International Short Film Festival on Development Cooperation) and L'Hospitalet short film festival (Festival of shorts and video clips in 48 hours).
Online through the Facebook of Cooperation and Solidarity Program you can see a sample of the videos.
The event will be presented by Mrs. M Ángeles Sariñena, Mr. Nicolás Cortés, director of the Program, and Mrs. Maria López, workshop leader.
Here are the videos of the schools participating in the workshops:
Bisbe Berenguer 1r A batxillerat
Bisbe Berenguer 1r B batxillerat
Margarida Xirgu 4t B
Margarida Xirgu 4t C
Margarida Xirgu 4t D
Pare Enric d'Ossó 4t ESOB Santa Eulàlia 3r A ESO Santa Eulàlia 3r B ESO Santa Eulàlia 3r C ESO Santa Eulàlia 3r D ESO Santa Marta 3r ESO Santa Marta 4t ESO Torras i Bages 1rA Batxillerat Torras i Bages 1r B Batxillerat Torras i Bages 1r C Batxillerat Xaloc 4t ESO
Butlletí: #InternacionalDiba
Número de butlletí: #69 - Juliol de 2021
Day: Friday 4 June
Hour: 10 hr
Place: Noble room's Ca n'Arús