
I am to:

Rules of law

The origin of the Spanish policy of cooperation for the development is in the legal basis of the declaration that turns up in the preamble of the Constitution of 1978, where the Spanish nation proclaims itself the will of collaborating to strengthen some peaceful relations and of effective cooperation among all the people of the Earth.

On the other hand, the article 51 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia establishes the duty to promote the peace and the development of the people through the actions and policies of cooperation.

The policy of international cooperation for the development constitutes a fundamental aspect of the outer action of the democratic states in relation to those countries that have not achieved the same level of development. A policy by which an interdependent and solidary conception of the international company and of the relations that develop is based on.

The Law 23/1998, of 7 July, of international cooperation for the development articulates in an only text the set of measures and instruments that configure our policy of cooperation to the development. Article 20 foresees the made cooperation for the autonomous communities and local entities as a solidary expression of the respective companies and by which the principles of budgetary autonomy and own responsibility in the development and execution are based.

In this sense, the Parliament of Catalonia approved of the Law of cooperation, of 26/2001 of 31 December, that he takes care of elaborating the guidelines and the principles that the performances of cooperation promoted by the government, across the directive Plan of cooperation to development 2011-2014, approved of for resolution of the Parliament of Catalonia govern 754-VIII/2010, of 22 July, valid even on 30 December of 2014.

This Directive Plan will also observe the adaptation of the regulations that the Town Council of Cooperation and Solidarity to fulfill governs the forecasts established for the towns of big population in the Title X of Law 7/1985, of 2 April, that it regulates the bases of the local diet. The singularity of functioning and debates in the Town Council of Cooperation will have to continue being priority in the creation of the Social Board of the City that he will agglutinate and will reinforce our proposal in the sectorial boards.

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  • Poster of the title page of the comic
Town council of L'Hospitalet
With the support of:Regional government of BarcelonaL'Hospitalet human rights